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Revision as of 15:24, 21 December 2020

The Mythic
The Shadow Architect
The Timeless King
Player: @Shadeknight
Real Name
Corrigan Faris Rhydderch
Shadeknight, Christopher Blackwood
The Realm of Solomon
US Citizen
Many places!
A pocket dimension of sorts.
Expert of the Mystical & Supernatural
· Known Relatives ·
Emily Jones (Daughter)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
260 lbs
Body Type
Goldenrod (or something similar idk)
Powers & Abilities
Dark Melee (Scrapper), Radiation Armor (Tanker)
Shield Defense (Scrapper), Titan Weapon (Tanker)
· Known Powers ·
Various magic spells, rituals, and incantations! ...and more.
· Equipment ·
Celeste (Magical sword)
· Other Abilities ·
Close Quarter Combat

WIP - fixing things as I have the muse/mood.

Life isn't fair, but death is.
- Hades (The Gatekeeper's Sons)


Got an angel on my left
Whispering sweet nothings to me
Got the devil on my right
Says look who's back up on the scene
- Last Call to Heaven (The White Buffalo)


DefeatCOTEnd.png A soldier whose time is long overdue.

  • There is a considerable sag to his step whenever he's done fighting - a clear limp to his legs when he's walking at a normal pace.
  • The scars are plenty across him - the most noticeable being the one up across his left eye.
  • There are spells lingering over him - illusion spells that hide the worst of the damage.

Badge_Defeat_Romulus.png He is the stalwart shield against darkness.

  • For almost all his life he has fought for the safety of Earth - though his reasons have shifted here and there.
  • In his long life, he has made a name for himself. It has not always worked out for him to be so known.
  • Legends say he predates even some of the known immortals, but he denies such legends.

Badge_winter_event_01.png The Prince of Winter walks a fine line.

  • The Shadeknight has been both hero and vigilante - treading difficult ground and making harsh decisions for the safety of others.
  • He is very much a sacrificial sort of hero - willing to take the hits that others may have thrown at them. It accounts for almost fifty percent of his scars.
  • He keeps getting back up and won't submit until death - especially if it means others can be safe. Even if that means he hurts his friends by doing so.

DefeatKOVEnd.png He answers to neither gods nor men

  • While he does follow orders, there is always a chance he'll do what he sees as the better route.
  • His gold eyes have a faint glow to them - a mystical glow that peers beyond the physical.
  • There is a deeper melancholy to him - hidden behind his smiles and charming demeanor
Coming soon.


Grave digger, grave digger
Send me on my way
Release me to desert
Within' this shallow grave
- Grave Digger (Blues Saraceno)
Powers Vulnerabilities

TitanWeapons_ShatterArmor.png Celeste

  • Celeste is a broadsword he carries that becomes much bigger when he needs for it. It is a magical and, surprising, sentient sword. It used to belong to his mother.
  • Celeste's larger form is ginormous, but coated in magic as to not actually cleave off limbs - unless used on an undead, demon, or some abhorrent freak of nature from dark realms. Robots too.

RadiationArmor_ParticleShielding.png The Curse & The Blessing

  • The Curse is an ancient curse that he has dealt with many years. This Curse is the source of his secondary immortality - where he cannot stay dead and will return after some time if killed. Detection will show it being daemonic in origin. It may also be why he's so poor with women too!
  • The Blessing is something different - an almost inherent power to him. The Blessing allows him to withstand horrific injuries, absorb magical attacks, and unleash the absorbed energy / magic back out to his foes. It also makes him devilishly handsome.

ElectricArmor_SelfBuffRunSpeed.png Travel!

  • Corrigan has displayed several methods of traveling - given his sorcerous knowledge - but his most common are flight and what is seen as super speed
  • The "super speed" is often brief or needed to cross vast distances. It does display negative effects even if briefly - such as being winded for a moment.

IceBlast_Buildup.png Magic

  • His magic often takes the shape of fire or ice. However, he can also translocate people and create barriers to protect others.
  • Has libraries worth of knowledge on magic - everything and anything about magic, he can reliably tell you about it.
  • He can also call upon creatures from mystical realms to fight beside him.

IceArmor_GlacialArmor.png Realm of Winter

  • He is the Prince of Winter - a princeling of a fae realm known only as the Court of Solomon.
  • What this entails is unknown for the most part, but he does seem to hold natural control over all things cold and winter.
  • He has a true form - where his skin becomes a pale blue and crystalline stag antlers form among other things.

SummerEvent_FrankMcCain_PackLeadersRevenge.png Lone Wolf

  • He's afraid of hurting people close to him, or dragging them into situations that get them hurt.
  • Despite the fact he's on a team, he does have moments of shouldering everything on his shoulders.
  • Slow to open up to others, but it is a work in progress.

SummerEvent_GodChampion_Deflection.png Special Metals

  • It has been said that cold iron and other materials can put him down or scar him.
  • His regeneration is slowed greatly by cold iron and similar anti-magical materials.
  • The fact that cold iron is a great problem to him is a further hint to what else can stop him.

FortunataTraining_PsionicTornado.png Psionics

  • Resistant to psionic attack and domination.
  • However, the resistance isn't a save all against repeated attacks or a singular strong strike from a psionic.
  • His mind is a maze, but one that can be easily figured out.

Arachnos_Patron_PowerBoost.png Magic

  • All things magic is both his strength and his bane - for a spell or incantation can put him out of a fight.
  • Extensive use of magic can also tire him or leave him vulnerable to other attacks.

The Chronicles

What you really fear is inside yourself.
You fear your own power.
You fear your anger
The drive to do great or terrible things.
- Ra's Al Ghul (Liam Neeson)

Eight (or so, time is funny) years ago, Corrigan Rhydderch - then known as Christopher Blackwood - retired and hung up the mantle of Shadeknight. Devastating events during his tenure as leader of The Silver Aegis led him to stepping away from both heroics and the spotlight in general. The immortal knight fled to a pocket dimension of sorts - a snowy forest with a singular cabin. It was in this cabin that he stayed for the years since the aformentioned event. He found peace - mostly - in retirement and spent the time trying to become someone better. Yet, guilt and regret hung over him like a heavy shroud and one he would not kick while in his retirement. Of course, the mystical knight kept up with the world - or tried to - through scrying and visits from Doctor Alistair Greysword.

Yet, retirement did not seem to be something to cling to him longer than the eight years. His dimensional counterpart, Karim Shaffad / The Occult, had gone mad and was making a mess of things. Of course, Corrigan had gotten involved earlier - trying to sabotage his attempts to entertain a deal with a child demon by the name of The Emissary. It was in the conclusion of this, after having assisted in freeing The Ferret from a problem, that he chose to try and lock up Karim himself. One thing hadn't changed - the hardheaded nature drew him towards repeating specific actions. Of course, Karim broke free and all hell broke loose again. Between that and shenanigans with a group known as The Global Defense Force, the returned Shadeknight found himself quite busy. Put love into the mix, and you get a chaotic tornado that was never-ending. Strides were made - small or otherwise - to make a difference, but it was always so easy to slip into the old personality traits.

It wasn't until the world saw the defeat of The Vigil that Corrigan realized he was handling things wrong. He wasn't the paragon or role model he used to be - in fact, recent events painted him to be less of a hero and more of a wild vigilante at times. A very brooding vigilante. It was with this realization, thanks to inner reflection, that he gave up a great deal of his granted power and embraced who he really was. Blocks, mental and spiritual, were removed as he resumed his identity of Corrigan Rhydderch - The Prince of Winter. Corrigan had, for the longest time, applied magic and asked The Powers That Be to intervene in who he was. There was shame, guilt, regret, and self-loathing - all gone now.

Now his mind sets on tracking down leads - a cabal, Ophosaes, a Praetorian he thought he sealed away, and more.

Life was interesting.



Important People

  • Artemis Jones - For the longest time, Artemis Jones and Christopher Blackwood were seen as a near unstoppable duo. Both were intrinsically tied to greater powers than themselves, and both were the types to be seen as reliable and mentors. The two became husband and wife during the time that Christopher lead The Silver Aegis. However, a saga that still holds a nightmarish grip over Christopher led this relationship astray - with unforgivable actions taken and hearts broken. For the years following the Praetorian War, Christopher has kept his distance - but his heart has never stopped feeling something for the dreaming archer. She, sometime recently, met with him in the Chalet - to which he told her about what was going on with Baron Abaddon and Ophosaes.
  • Emily Jones - Emily Jones means the world to Christopher - even if his presence as a father has been more than lackluster. While his distance since her birth has done damage, he still sees her - especially with his return - as one of the people he'd die for. He wants the world to be a better place for her - even if he himself can never be a better person. He has met her future self - or something like that - and has made attempts to be a better father. How well that is going has yet to be seen.
  • Lumix / Shiloh Lennox - Shiloh Lennox was a wild spark to the solemn soldier that was Corrigan. It was Shiloh who got him to open up and work on himself, It was Shiloh who got him to grow out of the shell he retreated to, and it was Shiloh he fell hard for. The romance between Shiloh and Corrigan was rapid and seemed to move from one point to the next. Of course, they were mad for each other and couldn't get enough. Corrigan had a few moments of messing it up, but it often recovered. However, for their sake and due to circumstances, they have chosen to currently split amicably - though Shiloh will always have a spot in the gentle giant's heart.


Friends & Neutrals

  • Starforge - The Guardian Kheldian is an old friend of his from his time across Primal Earth. The two have fought side-by-side against many threats, and Christopher knows that Star has quite the history on Earth - including now with his doppelganger. Chris respects Starforge a great deal, and knows he'll go on to do great things. Of course now Corrigan works alongside Starforge under the banner of the Global Defense Force.
  • Miss Makani - Makani Rizzo is someone Corrigan has had a brief interaction with, but someone he has shown a great deal of respect to - and someone who seems to show the same right back. The two are becoming fast friends, and Corrigan's aid during current matters with a corporation called Horizon has lent him towards opening towards the young half-demon. She's a better presence than most - especially since she looks up to him by her own admission.
  • Miss Ferret - A woman who he has ties to by way of bearing the Mantle of Odin, but it does go deeper than that. It was Corrigan Rhydderch who was there alongside others when Ferret was in trouble - it was Corrigan who soothed the situations when there was a Mindswipe in charge rather than the one called Ferret. He extended himself and his presence to her - and saw to it that the problem ended when he helped strike down the demon responsible with Gungnir. Now, they are allies against his counterpart and mutual defenders of innocent life. He has a deep respect for Ferret, and an unsaid kinship given their connections to Yggdrasil.
  • Seer Lily - A woman rescued from the grip of Horizon, Lily is someone that Corrigan has taken a liking to. He knows that she went through horrible ordeals, and yet his only hope is to show her that all is not bad. So far it seems she has taken a liking to him as well. Who knows what the future holds for the pair. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be - but he still holds her in high regard.
  • The Occult (Karim Shaffad / Anubis) - The Occult is a version of Corrigan from another world who he risked much for. The sorcerer from another reality had a hard fall, and Corrigan risked himself to protect him despite what better options there were. Certainly, it was a gamble he was willing to take - and it has paid off with Karim now set to stand trial. The two immortals have a better understanding of not only one another but themselves as well.



  • Ophosaes - Ophosaes dae Garandier is an extradimensional King of Daemons and darkmaster. It is Ophosaes who is the malefic plague behind all of Shadeknight’s harsh history and the reason his body is so beaten up. Ophosaes is a god-like being who has been at the heart of quite the few dark plans. The daemon-king is someone who has done his best to tear down the family of Rhydderch - which Shadeknight belongs to. Of course, Ophosaes has had bigger plans but Shadeknight and his family has stood in the way of that. It is Ophosaes who manipulated events and broke down the willpower of the knight - eventually leading to the shattering moment that would send the knight into retirement eventually. It seems for now that all has gone quiet - but time will tell how true that remains of Ophosaes.
  • Baron Abaddon (Wolfgang Dietrich) - Baron Abaddon is the very opposite of the knightly hero - Wolfgang choosing to be cruel and vile. Wolfgang has no sense of honor or code of ethics - using magic to torture, torment, and mutilate anyone he chooses. Of course, the necromancer and Christopher have been at this battle for years. It was Wolfgang who did the grievous murders of Christopher's family and initially set the man down the road of vengeance. It was Wolfgang who has scarred the immortal magus the most. The two seem fated to constantly be at each other's throat - until either one kills the other or both die. He recently witnessed Wolfgang be taken into abyssal realms - right to his master.
  • The Graveknight (????) - His counterpart from another world (Though he speculates this may not be the truth), The Graveknight is his equal and his opposite in every way. Both men are skilled, long-lived, and stubborn. However, The Graveknight is cruel and merciless - striving for power, for revenge, and for the glory of breaking anyone who is noble and mighty. This dark and vile replicant of him returned at the end of the Resolution Solution arc - giving Corrigan even more to worry about.

Hooks & Quirks

Badge_magus_set_01.png An archmage with a history.

  • He is a friend and ally to the likes of The Midnight Squad & The Legacy Chain
  • He has a history with fighting against the dark magic of The Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, and the Mu under Arachnos.
  • There are rumors out there on his age and how long he has been fighting.

Badge_task_force_set_01.png A recognized legend across the world.

  • The name of The Shadeknight has been around for years - spearheading efforts such as The Silver Aegis.
  • He was a primary force for good against the Praetorian's invasion - alongside others - who led several critical strikes against them.
  • A former vigilante who turned into a symbol of good - though one who disappeared for the years after the Praetorian War. He has only recently returned.

Badge_DayJob_Scholar.png Two sides to the same coin.

  • His civilian secret identity - Corrigan Rhydderch - seems to be an outspoken philanthropist towards causes of healing and rebuilding.
  • Corrigan Rhydderch is a mildly known professor at Croatoa's universty and as a guest lecturer at the other PCU campuses. He teaches and talks about history, usually. Magic other times.
  • The man has made the news over time for his support of rehabilitation and stronger efforts to protect Paragon City - and its people.

Badge_DayJob_DimensionalExplorer.png A sojourner of worlds

  • He has many nicknames across this world and others - such as The Hooded One and The Wanderer
  • He frequented / frequents Praetoria and Shadow Shard the most, but does often disappear elsewhere.
  • He seems to know a lot about alternate worlds, realities, and even timelines - sometimes a bit too much.

Badge_DayJob_Midnighter.png SOON

  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!

Badge_Achievement_DrudgesDefeats.png SOON

  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!

Badge_Achievement_AnimusArcanaDefeats.png SOON

  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!

Badge_dayjob_darkastoria.png SOON

  • Coming soon!
  • Coming soon!


These songs are worth listening to when considering Christopher: [1], [2] & [3]
Credit to Glyphica for style ideas/templates.
This character has been through a cycle of being edgy/broody and otherwise terrible/garbage. I've had to retcon stuff here and there (recently too!) to fix some bad RP choices. He's an old character in more ways than one.
The voice I use for him is found here: [4]