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Revision as of 19:30, 4 August 2023

Gemknight Carbonado
Player: Psyclone
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: '
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: '
Species: human?
Age: Uncertain, early 20s
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122lbs
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Gemknight
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Diamond skin and hands
Known Abilities
Impervious to physical assault
Black Diamond Gemstone

In a quiet village nestled between rolling hills and babbling brooks, lived a young woman named Emily. She had an adventurous spirit, a heart full of kindness, and dreams that stretched as far as the horizon. One day, a charismatic stranger arrived in the village, his presence casting a mesmerizing glow that drew everyone's attention, including Emily's.

His name was Lucas, and he spoke of a grand purpose, of belonging to something greater than oneself. He spun tales of a secret society that fought against the darkness that threatened to engulf the world. Emily was entranced, her curiosity piqued, and slowly, she found herself pulled into Lucas's web.

The longer she remained, the deeper she sank into the chasm of lies that Lucas spun. His handsome face and powerful demeanor captivated her, and their relationship grew, until Emily discovered she was pregnant. However, with every step deeper into the cult, Emily's intuition began to whisper a warning. She sensed that the cult's motives were not as righteous as they seemed. One fateful night, her fears were confirmed when Lucas unveiled a chilling plan — a sacrifice. Her newborn child was to be offered up, a beacon to their twisted beliefs. Lucas was part of a cult, and their power was dying. They needed fresh blood... literally. Emily had been chosen because of her purity of spirit, and the life that had germinated within her containing both her blood and the blood of the ancient cultists was to restore their cult to its former glory.

Fear surged through Emily's heart, a mother's protective instinct burning fiercely. She fought against the grip of the cult, a tempest raging within her. But their power was overwhelming, and try as she might, she couldn't break free. As the cult's ceremony commenced, Emily's voice rang out in a desperate cry for help. Her plea echoed into the night, carried by the wind to ears far away. And then, everything went black...

When Emily woke, she found herself in a world unknown. Memories of her past were like shards of glass, fragmented and distant. She had been trying to save someone... but who? From what? Try as she might, she couldn't seem to dig through the ever deepening darkness that was clouding her. She couldn't remember her family... her friends... or even her own name. Yet, a new name echoed in her mind — Gemknight Carbonado, the Black Diamond. Her skin had transformed, impervious like the strongest of armor, and her hands gleamed with a diamond-like hardness.

The Crystalline Obelisk had given her newfound strength, and with it she vowed to use her powers to fight against the darkness that had nearly consumed her. She joined her sisters at the Gemknight Temple, and embarked on a journey to bring justice to those who suffered, to mend the fractures in the world. In every battle she fought, she felt a spark of her old self, a connection to the life she had left behind, even though she could not recall it directly.

People knew her as Gemknight Carbonado, a fierce protector, a beacon of hope. And yet, the village where she had once lived, the faces she had cherished, they were all a distant memory. And although she was unaware, their memory of her had vanished as well. But she had made the trade willingly, sacrificing her old life to save her child and to protect the innocent.

Emily, now Gemknight Carbonardo, dedicated herself to her new purpose. With diamond-hard hands, she fought against evil, her heart still carrying the whispers of a life long gone.