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[] Phobia - Hellfire Gala inspired outfit

[[Category: Everlasting]][[Category: Hero]][[Category: Science]][[Category: Female]][[Category: Defender]][[Category: LGBT]]
[[Category: Everlasting]][[Category: Hero]][[Category: Science]][[Category: Female]][[Category: Defender]][[Category: LGBT]]

Revision as of 05:06, 28 August 2022

Player: @Twi

NAME:Jennifer Dietrich
ALIASES:Witch of the Wastes, Sentinel of Twilight
OCCUPATION:Business Owner
STATUS: Divorced


Able to conjure and manipulate shadows to varying degrees.


Able to manifest the fears of others to the forefront of their mind and overwhelm them.


Biography info. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Estuans interius ira vehementi. Nam quis gravida arcu. Cras non sem nec erat accumsan fermentum vel nec lectus. Fusce vulputate in neque vel malesuada. Ut tincidunt sed libero et placerat. Fusce sed posuere enim, mattis tincidunt nibh. Fusce tristique odio at nisi sagittis aliquet. Fusce at ornare justo. Pellentesque et cursus lorem. Morbi vulputate mattis purus, ac finibus lorem vestibulum quis. Vestibulum facilisis ex orci, non dictum erat congue non. Sed porta mauris ut eros volutpat, quis consectetur nulla finibus. Fusce et lorem quis arcu gravida vulputate in non odio. Morbi pharetra laoreet erat ut vestibulum. Vivamus nec commodo velit.

Duis lectus urna, pellentesque non sodales in, venenatis eget orci. Sed quis felis non massa pretium commodo ut vel lorem. Quisque dolor leo, pulvinar vitae hendrerit fermentum, convallis non magna. Aliquam feugiat sem in mauris iaculis placerat. Nunc eu aliquam arcu. Phasellus mattis metus ac porttitor eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam cursus velit quis sagittis ullamcorper. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin augue, at gravida nulla. Etiam mattis dolor at orci gravida, eget porttitor nibh mattis. Curabitur in vehicula dui.


As a result of constant exposure to a prototype device used to harness and project energies from a dimension of shadow, Phobia possesses the ability to channel and store vast amounts of mystical shadow energy within herself.

Phobia can create, shape and manipulate shadows, extending them to obscure movement, reshape them to create objects, utilize them to block projectiles, cheat at hand shadow puppetry, etc. Extends to functioning as low-grade telekinesis, able to use an objects' shadow to lift or manipulate it further. Her primary method of attack is using altered shadows to fling into the opponent.
Phobia's eyes are sensitive to extradimensional horrors and can tell whether or not someone is associated with such beings at a glance, regardless of employed glamours.
Phobia can instill a sense of pure fear directly into the minds of people she sees. With a glance, she can render groups of people paralyzed with fear, unable to further attack.
Phobia also possesses exceptional nightvision, and is able to see through most mystic forms of shadow.

All of these effects are accompanied with a brief period in which (in costume) her glowing eyes flare up or (out of costume) her irises momentarily become gold.

Phobia can, to an extent, manipulate life energies, redirecting them to induce healing or induce harm as she sees fit. Often used to stimulate an ally's own regenerative powers by tapping either a foe or another ally with enhanced regenerative abilities.
Phobia can bind a target in place by utilizing its own spirit energy to wrap around the body, muddying the mind while hampering the physical form of the assailant.
Phobia also utilizes the passive spirit energy in an area as a means of defense, using it to lessen the impact of dark energies on herself, or hamper the ability of psychics to assault her mind.
Phobia has trained in hand to hand combat for years, although due to her abilities lending themselves to ranged combat or avoiding combat altogether, it is rarely utilized.
Phobia is an exceptional liar, stemming mostly from getting lots of practice in as an insufferable teenager.
The Cowl of Harpocrates, which is the source of the impenetrable dark veil that surrounds her face, functioning even if lowered or worn under her outfit. Functions also as a security system against scrying attempts past the veil, offering up false images of her face to mislead.
Anti-Magic greatly hampers her ability, taking away her primary methods of offense and defense. Her fear abilities however will still function, albeit it nowhere near as potent.
Powers related to her eyes require her to be able to see her target, neutralizing a potent part of her arsenal.

pho-thumbnail.png Phobia - Hellfire Gala inspired outfit
