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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ut tellus sit amet massa commodo pharetra. Phasellus nec mauris facilisis, mollis nunc et, egestas ipsum. Aliquam varius luctus metus sit amet tristique. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed blandit pharetra aliquam. Nunc sit amet lectus enim. Fusce at sollicitudin augue, nec placerat neque. Morbi nisi mi, porta et est molestie, ultricies ultrices lectus. Donec non vestibulum diam. Vestibulum purus lacus, viverra ut justo accumsan, vehicula efficitur sem. Ut orci libero, vehicula id ipsum sed, sodales porttitor metus. Integer elementum euismod erat eget bibendum. Proin lobortis euismod arcu, ac cursus nulla hendrerit eu. Curabitur molestie vitae erat sed eleifend. Nulla urna sem, condimentum at lorem id, molestie blandit arcu. Fusce eu ligula vel leo tristique cursus quis sit amet diam.

Nam sodales in orci auctor blandit. Morbi ornare convallis urna sit amet vulputate. Aenean urna ligula, varius et varius porttitor, accumsan quis tellus. Nullam eu ultricies nunc. Integer eget odio at nibh pharetra sollicitudin. Duis sed diam ac diam sodales accumsan. Quisque quis sagittis diam. Suspendisse felis nulla, commodo id ligula sed, vehicula eleifend est. Sed tellus felis, efficitur vel ante ut, gravida eleifend metus. Duis pharetra porttitor blandit. Sed eros nisl, posuere id sapien auctor, lobortis tincidunt tortor. Ut feugiat, massa in ornare pharetra, quam sem imperdiet quam, eget tincidunt lorem quam id tellus. Vestibulum finibus felis et faucibus auctor. Aliquam erat volutpat.

<div style="float:right;margin-right:-150px;"></div>
<div style="margin-left:50px;padding:20px; background-color: #fff; width:960px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing:0.1ex;position: relative; z-index:1;">

Aliquam venenatis egestas massa ut ultrices. Vestibulum tempor tortor nulla, eu lobortis lorem facilisis at. Morbi fringilla mollis dolor, eu finibus mauris accumsan vitae. Nam posuere urna risus, a aliquam magna rutrum ac. Vivamus et nibh vel felis mattis condimentum eget a mi. Suspendisse nec sapien iaculis, imperdiet tellus id, lacinia massa. Fusce euismod nulla nec quam faucibus ornare. Curabitur sagittis nibh ligula, in vulputate ante aliquam ac. Sed at magna venenatis, pharetra massa in, suscipit arcu. Vestibulum nec scelerisque erat. Sed ultricies odio vitae diam maximus fermentum. Donec tristique justo sed quam scelerisque, in efficitur lorem hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In feugiat sit amet nulla eu bibendum. Mauris neque mi, tincidunt at accumsan vitae, egestas at tellus. Mauris ultrices placerat est, quis iaculis augue finibus sed.
<div style="width: 430px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;padding-right:20px;">
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>NAME:</strong></span> Kinsey King <br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>ALIAS(ES):</strong></span> Knockout<br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>BIRTHPLACE:</strong></span> Brickstown, Paragon City, RI<br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>AGE:</strong></span> 25<br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>ABILITIES:</strong></span> Strength, Agility, Training <br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>ALIGNMENT:</strong></span> Neutral<br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>MORALITY:</strong></span> Virtue-leaning<br />
<span style="color:#F45A02;"><strong>AFFILIATIONS:</strong></span> {{LinkC|Uppercut|#1572F4}}<br />

Nam a erat quis nisl varius luctus sed id lectus. Maecenas eget justo non tortor malesuada maximus et vitae turpis. Nunc efficitur, libero ut imperdiet venenatis, nisl purus hendrerit felis, nec bibendum tellus nibh ut lacus. Cras vestibulum eget metus sit amet posuere. Donec scelerisque metus nunc, vitae rutrum diam consequat ac. Aliquam sit amet mollis ligula. Vivamus enim nibh, vehicula sed sem in, pulvinar ornare tellus. Praesent maximus aliquam metus, sed commodo urna vehicula a. Ut a convallis diam. Aenean bibendum est ac libero rutrum, et fermentum est ultrices. Ut accumsan sagittis leo, a tincidunt magna vestibulum ac. Pellentesque ut eleifend erat. Nullam luctus dolor nibh, sit amet rutrum metus lobortis eu. Vestibulum ultrices sapien velit, nec consequat metus convallis at. Maecenas risus odio, bibendum non ultricies a, finibus ac nibh. In tincidunt tincidunt purus, vel sollicitudin neque finibus a.
<div style="width: 430px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;">
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>FAVORITES:</strong></span> Fighting, {{LinkC|Uppercut|#1572F4}}, kittens.<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>EYE COLOR:</strong></span> Blue<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>HAIR COLOR:</strong></span> Dark Grey<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>HEIGHT:</strong></span> 5'6"<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>WEIGHT:</strong></span> 140lbs<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>MARKS:</strong></span> Scar across her left bicep, small tattoo of a fist on her left butt cheek<br />
<span style="color:#1572F4;"><strong>PLAYLIST:</strong></span> [ <span style="color:#400c90">👊 Knockout</span>]<br />
</div></div><div style="float:right;margin-right:-250px;"></div>
<div style="float: left;margin-left:-240px;"></div>
<div style="margin-left:50px;padding:20px; background-color: transparent; width:960px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing:0.1ex;color:#00000A">
Growing up in a poor part of Brickstown, there weren't many avenues for a girl like <em><span style="color:#f45a02">Kinsey King</span></em>, and more than anything she had to fight her way out of bad situations. It became an obsession for Kinsey from a young age, spending a lot of her time working out and training to fight and it turns out she was good at it. Soon, she found herself in low level fight clubs to make a few dollars and coming out with enough to live by and help take care of her younger brother and mom.  

Praesent tristique cursus turpis eget accumsan. Nunc ut ipsum bibendum justo mattis interdum. Donec tincidunt mi tempus fermentum fermentum. Mauris porttitor pellentesque dui eget feugiat. Praesent sed semper risus. Duis id dui vel sapien malesuada vestibulum. Proin at urna ante. Fusce ornare tincidunt nisi at lacinia. Aliquam erat volutpat.</div></div>
In the underground fighting scene they started to refer to her as the <span style="color:#1572f4"><strong>Knockout Kinsey King</strong></span>, a reference to both her vicious style of fighting and the fact that she was, for all intents and purposes, the most attractive fighter in their bunch. With a cult following of fans who wished to purchase merch and bet on her, she was often approached by people to throw fights — she could win a lot of money, they'd say, and all she had to do was take a dive. But there was something in Kinsey that refused to let her take the bait; fighting was in her blood and it pumped hot and hard.
A mutation came and went in her blood and she came out the other side with slightly heightened speed and strength, only aiding in her climbing into more prolific fights through the world. Eventually invited to a tournament hosted by a magnate in Founder's Falls, Kinsey was pitted against people with powers beyond her — she was always just a fighter with a little extra oomph, not a super powered being — and still she persevered... up until the last round. A masked fighter who refused to give his name dropped Kinsey in a few moments, leaving her bruised — ego and body — and crawling home without a pinch of money for all the time she put into it. To this day she seeks out this man and plans to drop him to his knees and knock him right the <strong>F@*#</strong> out.
Beyond that, she runs with {{LinkC|Uppercut|#1572f4}} and they get into fights here and there, taking out threats that they deem worthy (or just whatever when she's bored and makes him) and refuse to stand down from any fight that comes her way; she's embraced the <strong><span style="color:#f45a02">Knockout</span></strong> name.

Latest revision as of 00:31, 31 July 2022


NAME: Kinsey King
ALIAS(ES): Knockout
BIRTHPLACE: Brickstown, Paragon City, RI
AGE: 25
ABILITIES: Strength, Agility, Training
MORALITY: Virtue-leaning

FAVORITES: Fighting, Uppercut, kittens.
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 140lbs
MARKS: Scar across her left bicep, small tattoo of a fist on her left butt cheek
PLAYLIST: 👊 Knockout


Growing up in a poor part of Brickstown, there weren't many avenues for a girl like Kinsey King, and more than anything she had to fight her way out of bad situations. It became an obsession for Kinsey from a young age, spending a lot of her time working out and training to fight and it turns out she was good at it. Soon, she found herself in low level fight clubs to make a few dollars and coming out with enough to live by and help take care of her younger brother and mom.

In the underground fighting scene they started to refer to her as the Knockout Kinsey King, a reference to both her vicious style of fighting and the fact that she was, for all intents and purposes, the most attractive fighter in their bunch. With a cult following of fans who wished to purchase merch and bet on her, she was often approached by people to throw fights — she could win a lot of money, they'd say, and all she had to do was take a dive. But there was something in Kinsey that refused to let her take the bait; fighting was in her blood and it pumped hot and hard.

A mutation came and went in her blood and she came out the other side with slightly heightened speed and strength, only aiding in her climbing into more prolific fights through the world. Eventually invited to a tournament hosted by a magnate in Founder's Falls, Kinsey was pitted against people with powers beyond her — she was always just a fighter with a little extra oomph, not a super powered being — and still she persevered... up until the last round. A masked fighter who refused to give his name dropped Kinsey in a few moments, leaving her bruised — ego and body — and crawling home without a pinch of money for all the time she put into it. To this day she seeks out this man and plans to drop him to his knees and knock him right the F@*# out.

Beyond that, she runs with Uppercut and they get into fights here and there, taking out threats that they deem worthy (or just whatever when she's bored and makes him) and refuse to stand down from any fight that comes her way; she's embraced the Knockout name.
