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<center><span style="font-size:12px;color:#df6b7c;">⚠️</span><span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;[ <span style="color:#FCA611"><strong>MUSIC</strong></span>]</span></center>
<center><span style="font-size:12px;color:#df6b7c;">⚠️</span><span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;[ <span style="color:#FCA611"><strong>MUSIC</strong></span>]</span></center>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis gravida arcu. Cras non sem nec erat accumsan fermentum vel nec lectus. Fusce vulputate in neque vel malesuada. Ut tincidunt sed libero et placerat. Fusce sed posuere enim, mattis tincidunt nibh. Fusce tristique odio at nisi sagittis aliquet. Fusce at ornare justo. Pellentesque et cursus lorem. Morbi vulputate mattis purus, ac finibus lorem vestibulum quis. Vestibulum facilisis ex orci, non dictum erat congue non. Sed porta mauris ut eros volutpat, quis consectetur nulla finibus. Fusce et lorem quis arcu gravida vulputate in non odio. Morbi pharetra laoreet erat ut vestibulum. Vivamus nec commodo velit.
<span style="color:#FCA611">Alexandra Forrester</span> was a precocious child with indulgent parents. While she didn't get into trouble in the general sense, she did spend a lot of time in chemistry labs since she was old enough to be allowed. A safe user, for sure, but willing to take risks to push the boundaries of science whenever she could. Her middle school science fair project volcano was modified to spew something very close to actual lava and nearly burned down the gymnasium, leaving her in trouble for the act but also earning her the highest marks she could have gotten. All of this was all well and good as she learned to temper her curiosity to at least some degree, so much so that she was wooed by a small University in the Steel Canyon sector of Paragon City.

Duis lectus urna, pellentesque non sodales in, venenatis eget orci. Sed quis felis non massa pretium commodo ut vel lorem. Quisque dolor leo, pulvinar vitae hendrerit fermentum, convallis non magna. Aliquam feugiat sem in mauris iaculis placerat. Nunc eu aliquam arcu. Phasellus mattis metus ac porttitor eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam cursus velit quis sagittis ullamcorper. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin augue, at gravida nulla. Etiam mattis dolor at orci gravida, eget porttitor nibh mattis. Curabitur in vehicula dui.
Leaving her town had never really been her dream, finding that she could do her own thing in almost any lab, and seeing that she'd excel in even the most advanced chemistry programs at any University near or far, she'd always just assumed she'd stay where she was. But, when <span style="color:#D83108">Silverleaf University</span> came to pitch woo, they saw an opportunity to recruit one of the brightest minds and started their showcase off strong: their state-of-the-art lab. Alex was on the edge of her seat the entire time, posing questions when she needed clarification and making happy little noises when they'd list new equipment. It was a done deal; Alex would be leaving at the ripe age of 16 to start work at their University and stay on as long as she felt like experimenting or working there.

Pellentesque rhoncus ultricies ante at porta. Donec aliquet ante cursus felis laoreet, id iaculis purus ultrices. Suspendisse pulvinar suscipit leo. Aenean interdum dolor tincidunt risus condimentum ullamcorper. Proin dapibus sollicitudin ex ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum a mauris neque. Aliquam at ante ullamcorper, ultricies ante ut, dignissim lorem. Quisque malesuada arcu augue, sit amet lacinia tellus gravida a. Mauris faucibus eget purus in egestas. Morbi lacus odio, condimentum nec imperdiet nec, fermentum vel velit. Fusce nec elementum sem. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam tincidunt et augue non efficitur.
Moving from her small town, without parents or much supervision at all — again, her parents were indulgent — Alex went from a mostly quiet girl to a teen loose in a city that offered way too much to keep her down. Finding her own experiences and growing as a woman in such a small time made her realize just how much she loved being herself. She explored her sexuality almost as much as she did chemistry, and by the time she was nineteen she felt so <em><span style="color:#FFE87D">comfortable</span></em> in her skin that it was hard to break her down.

Vivamus tempus nec nibh vel dictum. Praesent turpis felis, faucibus eu ligula at, sollicitudin cursus eros. Sed dignissim, neque a pretium lacinia, urna nisl pellentesque tellus, a pellentesque odio erat vel lorem. Nullam non tempus nisi. Suspendisse et metus feugiat, vehicula nibh vitae, tincidunt nunc. Donec rutrum sit amet felis sit amet vehicula. Ut pharetra scelerisque neque a imperdiet. Aliquam in ligula eget leo maximus ultricies sagittis eu nulla. Praesent in nisi euismod, aliquam diam in, finibus elit. Duis imperdiet turpis eget facilisis cursus. Nam euismod aliquam justo. Suspendisse interdum, urna vel pharetra rhoncus, dolor nisi cursus nulla, vel malesuada ipsum risus eu enim. Aliquam sodales imperdiet lacus. In urna arcu, cursus eu lobortis non, tempus in lacus. Suspendisse interdum aliquam posuere. Aliquam viverra eu nisi et mollis.
This confidence led to the lab as well, and she spent more time exploring noble gasses, fascinated by them and wanting to see just how far they could go. In an experiment with Neon, she found herself pushing the bounds, perhaps, as she did as a child, a little too far. One thing led to another, and after a few small, contained explosions and a decontamination shower, Alex found she could now produce and manipulate a new form of Neon; no longer harmless and quaint, she could use her powers to pursue a secondary life as a hero by the name of <span style="color:#FCA611"><strong>Glowjob</strong></span>.
<div style="float: left;margin-left:-240px;></div>
As much as the science experiment went <em>wrong</em> while she was studying Neon, it also went sort of <strong>right</strong>; granting her powers well within her wheelhouse of knowledge and allowing her to manipulate and formulate new ways to use this untapped potential.

Duis dapibus neque eget nulla euismod, eu blandit libero tincidunt. Pellentesque vel mattis est. Donec lorem metus, convallis eu enim sed, dictum tincidunt tortor. Quisque in ipsum molestie, ultrices mi vitae, venenatis justo. Sed eget purus tincidunt metus pulvinar volutpat convallis eget tortor. Maecenas sit amet suscipit mi. Suspendisse interdum enim volutpat sollicitudin euismod. Ut elementum, turpis sit amet maximus faucibus, magna ipsum volutpat turpis, ut facilisis odio felis at purus. Aliquam placerat commodo augue sollicitudin imperdiet. Vestibulum placerat, dui eget pharetra euismod, nibh enim fringilla ante, nec rhoncus enim tellus at leo. Morbi sed felis tellus. Proin luctus semper nulla id auctor.
;<span style="color:#fca611">NEON CREATION</span>
:The ability to form a new type of the noble gas, Neon, Alexandra can both manipulate, create, and alter its properties at will. With her background in science, this means that most of the time she's able to experiment on the go as she's heroing, altering the make-up of the gas to adapt to multiple situations.
;<span style="color:#fca611">NEON RIDING</span>
:One of the ways she's learned to alter its 'chemistry' is to make it slick enough on one end to glide quickly along any surface, but durable enough to allow her feet to maintain contact, even if she has to leap or move off path in any way. She likes to think of it as riding the neon and it's how she gets around town so fast.
;<span style="color:#fca611">POISON GAS</span>
:Neon as an element is completely harmless, but in order for Alex to be able to utilize it on the field, she's had to find ways to make it toxic. Altering a single thing within its make-up and of course change the entire way of the gas, from poisoning to making it so that anyone who penetrates the barrier of Neon around her will get slightly sick, disoriented, or otherwise; it's a method of protection as much as  an attack.

Duis sit amet neque sit amet felis accumsan hendrerit. Suspendisse viverra consectetur nunc, non placerat nulla sodales in. Mauris sed lectus vehicula, egestas massa id, mollis odio. Nullam sed turpis nunc. Nunc libero nibh, pretium sed finibus quis, sollicitudin ac ipsum. Ut ac dolor nulla. Donec cursus mi ligula, at aliquam neque rhoncus in. Donec sit amet lectus id lectus elementum tempor. Nam at nisl faucibus, ullamcorper lacus nec, accumsan turpis. Vestibulum vitae imperdiet nisi, non malesuada ante. Praesent auctor hendrerit eros, pretium aliquam nisi lobortis sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent pharetra lacinia cursus. Sed mollis ante sed nibh pharetra, a accumsan dolor eleifend.

Latest revision as of 20:03, 30 July 2022


Player: @Drea

NAME: Alexandra Forrester
ALIASES: Glowjob, Alex
BIRTHPLACE: Columbus, Ohio
OCCUPATION: Scientist (Chemistry student at Silverleaf University)
AGE: 23
STATUS: Single


Able to create a modified version of the noble gas, Neon, and manipulate it in various ways.


While some might not consider it a power most of the time, in Alex's case her intelligence is a boon and a power.


Alexandra Forrester was a precocious child with indulgent parents. While she didn't get into trouble in the general sense, she did spend a lot of time in chemistry labs since she was old enough to be allowed. A safe user, for sure, but willing to take risks to push the boundaries of science whenever she could. Her middle school science fair project volcano was modified to spew something very close to actual lava and nearly burned down the gymnasium, leaving her in trouble for the act but also earning her the highest marks she could have gotten. All of this was all well and good as she learned to temper her curiosity to at least some degree, so much so that she was wooed by a small University in the Steel Canyon sector of Paragon City.

Leaving her town had never really been her dream, finding that she could do her own thing in almost any lab, and seeing that she'd excel in even the most advanced chemistry programs at any University near or far, she'd always just assumed she'd stay where she was. But, when Silverleaf University came to pitch woo, they saw an opportunity to recruit one of the brightest minds and started their showcase off strong: their state-of-the-art lab. Alex was on the edge of her seat the entire time, posing questions when she needed clarification and making happy little noises when they'd list new equipment. It was a done deal; Alex would be leaving at the ripe age of 16 to start work at their University and stay on as long as she felt like experimenting or working there.

Moving from her small town, without parents or much supervision at all — again, her parents were indulgent — Alex went from a mostly quiet girl to a teen loose in a city that offered way too much to keep her down. Finding her own experiences and growing as a woman in such a small time made her realize just how much she loved being herself. She explored her sexuality almost as much as she did chemistry, and by the time she was nineteen she felt so comfortable in her skin that it was hard to break her down.

This confidence led to the lab as well, and she spent more time exploring noble gasses, fascinated by them and wanting to see just how far they could go. In an experiment with Neon, she found herself pushing the bounds, perhaps, as she did as a child, a little too far. One thing led to another, and after a few small, contained explosions and a decontamination shower, Alex found she could now produce and manipulate a new form of Neon; no longer harmless and quaint, she could use her powers to pursue a secondary life as a hero by the name of Glowjob.


As much as the science experiment went wrong while she was studying Neon, it also went sort of right; granting her powers well within her wheelhouse of knowledge and allowing her to manipulate and formulate new ways to use this untapped potential.

The ability to form a new type of the noble gas, Neon, Alexandra can both manipulate, create, and alter its properties at will. With her background in science, this means that most of the time she's able to experiment on the go as she's heroing, altering the make-up of the gas to adapt to multiple situations.
One of the ways she's learned to alter its 'chemistry' is to make it slick enough on one end to glide quickly along any surface, but durable enough to allow her feet to maintain contact, even if she has to leap or move off path in any way. She likes to think of it as riding the neon and it's how she gets around town so fast.
Neon as an element is completely harmless, but in order for Alex to be able to utilize it on the field, she's had to find ways to make it toxic. Altering a single thing within its make-up and of course change the entire way of the gas, from poisoning to making it so that anyone who penetrates the barrier of Neon around her will get slightly sick, disoriented, or otherwise; it's a method of protection as much as an attack.