Captain Blackwater

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Player: @Atlas

NAME: Violetta Blackwater
KNOWN ALIASES: Violetta Ravenscar (Formerly), Captain Blackwater
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kingdom of Northpoint,
AGE: 28
EYE COLOR: Green/Hazel
HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
KNOWN RELATIVES: Lord Cedric Ravenscar (Father), Lady Isolde Ravenscar (Mother), Sir Lucien Ravenscar (Brother), Sir Alistair Ravenscar (Brother), Sir Tristan Ravenscar (Brother)
SKILLS/ABILITIES: Sea Magic, Hellfire Manipulation, Naval Tactics, Spectral Manipulation, Dimensional Navigation, Battle Axe Mastery
EQUIPMENT: View Specs & Stats


Captain Blackwater is a figure cloaked in mystery and power, known across realms for her commanding presence and formidable abilities. Once a noble of High Rock, she defied the expectations placed upon her, choosing a life of adventure and danger on the high seas. Her journey led her to the darkest corners of the world, where she forged her legend as a pirate captain, feared and respected by all who cross her path.

Violetta’s life is marked by her pursuit of forbidden knowledge and ancient power, a path that has brought her both great strength and a debilitating curse. Bound to a realm between life and death, she navigates a world where few dare to tread, driven by a relentless determination to control her own fate.

Her affiliations with secretive and powerful organizations hint at a deeper purpose behind her actions, though her true motivations remain known only to a select few. Captain Blackwater is a complex and compelling character, whose story is a testament to the strength of will and the lengths one will go to forge their own destiny.

Early Life

Born into the prestigious House of Ravenscar in the coastal city of Northpoint, Violetta was surrounded by the splendor and tradition of Breton nobility. The waves of the Sea of Ghosts lapped at the shores of her family’s estate, their cold, mysterious pull a constant presence in her life. As the only daughter among several brothers, Violetta was often overlooked, her fiery spirit and curiosity quietly suppressed by the expectations of her station.

The Ravenscar family was steeped in ancient traditions and arcane knowledge, with a long history of naval dominance and magical expertise. Violetta’s father, Lord Cedric Ravenscar, was a stern and ambitious man, determined to see his sons fulfill the family’s legacy. Her mother, Lady Isolde, was a gentle yet distant figure, more concerned with the proprieties of court life than with her daughter’s wild nature.

Violetta’s early years were marked by a constant struggle to find her place within her family’s rigid structure. While her brothers were groomed for leadership and war, Violetta’s days were spent under the tutelage of scholars and governesses, learning the arts of diplomacy, magic, and decorum. Yet, beneath her noble exterior, Violetta harbored a restless spirit, one that yearned for adventure beyond the confines of Northpoint’s cold stone walls.

Her fascination with the sea grew with each passing year, fueled by the tales of sailors and the ancient maritime relics that decorated her family’s halls. It was in these stories and artifacts that Violetta found an escape from her prescribed role, imagining herself as a fearless captain charting the unknown waters of the world.

But the weight of expectation was never far behind. As the prophecy that had hung over her family for generations grew closer to fulfillment, all eyes were on her brothers, believed to be the destined ones. Violetta, feeling the sting of neglect and the suffocating pressure of her lineage, began to seek solace in the dark, hidden corners of the Ravenscar estate, where forgotten relics and forbidden texts whispered of a different fate.

It was in one such forgotten alcove of the Ravenscar estate, surrounded by relics encrusted with the weight of time, that Violetta stumbled upon a hidden chamber—a place where the cold winds of the Sea of Ghosts seemed to whisper her name. There, amidst dust-covered tomes and arcane symbols etched into the stone walls, she found an ancient relic pulsing with dark, unearthly power. The moment she touched it, visions flooded her mind—of spectral ships cutting through icy waters, of power beyond her wildest dreams, and of a fate far removed from the noble life she had known.

The relic spoke to her in a voice both chilling and seductive, promising her a destiny of her own making, not one dictated by her family or the prophecy that shackled her brothers. It was a call to arms, a whisper of rebellion that ignited the fire in her soul. In that moment, Violetta knew she could no longer remain in the shadow of her family's expectations. The sea called to her, not as a daughter of nobility, but as a force of her own. And so, with the weight of the relic in her hand and the icy winds at her back, Violetta Ravenscar abandoned her birthright, setting out to claim the power and freedom that had always been denied to her.

The Journey

Violetta Ravenscar’s journey into piracy was driven by a desperate need to escape the confines of her noble upbringing. The key to her transformation lay in the cursed relic she discovered within her family’s estate—a dark artifact known as the Eye of the Drowned. This relic, an ancient and malevolent object forged by a long-forgotten seafaring civilization, was said to hold the power of the ocean's most fearsome spirits. The Eye of the Drowned was a large, crystalline orb, black as the deepest abyss, encased in corroded, barnacle-encrusted metal. It radiated an eerie glow that pulsed like a heartbeat, resonating with the cold, spectral energies of the Sea of Ghosts.

As soon as Violetta touched the relic, it bonded with her, imbuing her with the ability to command the ghostly forces of the sea but also cursing her with an unshakable connection to the spectral realm. The relic’s power was intoxicating, granting her the ability to manipulate water, summon ghostly ships, and channel the wrath of drowned souls. However, it also marked her for a dark fate—her humanity would slowly erode, leaving her more spirit than flesh. With the Eye of the Drowned in her possession, Violetta fled Northpoint, taking to the seas to claim the freedom she had always desired.

Her mastery of the relic’s dark powers quickly earned her a fearsome reputation. As Captain Violetta Blackwater, she led her crew on daring raids, her ghostly ship striking fear into the hearts of all who sailed the northern seas. The relic’s influence made her nearly unstoppable, allowing her to command forces that no other pirate could even comprehend. But with each victory, the curse tightened its grip, drawing her ever closer to the spectral world. Now, Violetta walks the fine line between life and death, her soul bound to the Eye of the Drowned as she continues to carve out her destiny on the spectral seas, determined to defy the fate that seeks to consume her.

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After claiming the Eye of the Drowned, Violetta’s hunger for power became insatiable. No longer content with mere piracy, she pursued arcane relics with an obsession that led her to the farthest, most dangerous reaches of Tamriel. Her relentless quest caught the attention of the Psijic Order, an ancient monastic society dedicated to studying and controlling mystical forces. Recognizing the dark powers she wielded and the potential threat they posed, the Psijics offered her a pact: access to the Abyssal Cleaver, an ancient weapon tied to her curse, in exchange for her help in retrieving lost relics across dimensions.

The Abyssal Cleaver was a formidable battle axe, its blade forged from otherworldly metal and etched with the same runes as the Eye of the Drowned. With the Psijics’ guidance, Violetta traveled across dimensions to recover the Cleaver, its power amplifying her connection to the ghostly forces she commanded. The Psijic Order, serving as a bridge to a wider world of mystical intrigue, introduced her to the Midnight Squad, a secretive organization dedicated to monitoring mystical threats. With their backing, Violetta’s influence and strength grew, her legend as Captain Blackwater solidifying as she continued her relentless pursuit of power.

During her missions, Violetta encountered a mysterious rival relic hunter—someone who not only anticipated her every move but challenged her in ways that both infuriated and intrigued her. Their encounters were electrifying, marked by intense battles of magic and strategy. Violetta found herself drawn to this adversary, their clashes stirring something deeper within her, a mix of obsession, frustration, and undeniable attraction. The thrill of outmaneuvering this rival became almost intoxicating, adding a new layer to her relentless quest for power.

Despite the tension and conflict, Violetta’s obsession with defeating this adversary only deepened her resolve. With the Abyssal Cleaver in hand and the backing of both the Psijic Order and the Midnight Squad, she became an unstoppable force, her ghostly ship cutting through the mists of the spectral seas. As she pursued her destiny and sought to break the curse before it consumed her entirely, Violetta sensed that this confrontation with her rival would lead to a revelation that would change everything.

The curse that had once empowered Violetta with the Eye of the Drowned and the Abyssal Cleaver had become an insidious torment, devouring her from the inside out. Her flesh grew ashen, her veins darkened as if they carried the poison of the curse itself, and each day the pain became more excruciating. What was once a surge of dark power had turned into a parasitic force, slowly consuming her very essence. Haunted by horrific visions at night, of phantoms and shadows clawing at her soul, Violetta became increasingly reckless, driven by the desperate need to find a way to stop the decay. Her search led her to the darkest corners of the world, where forbidden knowledge whispered promises of salvation just out of reach.

In her frenzied pursuit, Violetta’s path crossed with that of Alyxandra Lykaios, a formidable warrior whose presence radiated a purpose that struck a deep, unsettling chord within her. Their clash was inevitable, a violent storm of fury and precision as each woman sought to assert dominance. But as they fought, Violetta found herself inexplicably drawn to something in Alyxandra—a flickering memory, an echo of something she had long buried. Amidst the chaos, Violetta caught a glimpse of an ethereal mask flickering around Alyxandra, a mask that mirrored the one she had seen in her family’s ancient prophecy, buried deep within the forgotten alcoves of the Ravenscar estate. This mask had been foretold to mark the savior of her bloodline, the key to a destiny far removed from the dark path she had chosen.

The recognition hit Violetta like a tidal wave, disarming her in a way no weapon ever could. It was not mere coincidence; it was fate, a cruel twist of it, linking her cursed existence to the very prophecy she had sought to escape. Alyxandra, sensing the shift, revealed that the figure in the prophecy was Valenzia, a mute and enigmatic deity of the Carnival of Light, who had become her patron. The very symbol of salvation that had haunted Violetta’s family for generations was now entwined with the woman standing before her. This realization shook Violetta to her core, forcing her to confront the possibility that her redemption lay not in more power, but in the light she had always shunned.

Alyxandra, seeing Violetta’s turmoil, spoke of her own mission—her sister, Odessa, had been taken to Hell, and she was forming a group to rescue her. This group was GEMINI, a coalition of powerful individuals brought together by a common cause. For Violetta, the choice was clear: join GEMINI, and in doing so, pursue the redemption she so desperately needed through the guidance of Valenzia. It was a dangerous path, fraught with the risk of further entanglement in the very darkness she sought to escape, but it was also her only hope. As she agreed to join the mission, Violetta could not have foreseen the revelation that awaited her—that her mysterious rival, the one who had pushed her to the brink, was none other than Odessa herself. This discovery would force Violetta to reckon with the deepest shadows of her past and confront the choices that had led her to this fateful intersection of destinies.

Violetta Blackwater

Violetta Blackwater

The descent into Hell was a harrowing ordeal, where the air itself seemed to seethe with malevolence. Violetta, already strained under the weight of her curse, fought through the infernal legions with a determination that defied her weakening state. The GEMINI team pressed forward relentlessly, but as they reached the heart of the infernal realm, they found Odessa bound in unbreakable chains, trapped in agonizing stasis. The air around her buzzed with ancient magic, resistant to all their attempts to free her, as if the chains were a manifestation of Hell’s will, determined to keep its prize captive.

As the tide of battle turned in favor of GEMINI, a hulking demon captain, witnessing his forces falter, made a desperate move. Defying his overlord's orders, he drew a massive, envenomed blade and charged toward Odessa, determined to end her life and thwart the rescue. Violetta, sensing the impending attack, intercepted the demon’s blade, the clash of weapons sending sparks flying as dark energies collided. The force of the impact reverberated through her entire body, but she held her ground, determined to protect Odessa at all costs.

In the fierce struggle that followed, Violetta overpowered the demon captain. With a final, decisive blow, she drove the *Abyssal Cleaver* deep into his chest, the spectral energies of the axe ripping through his form. The demon let out a roar of agony as the life drained from his eyes, his body crumpling to the ground. Violetta, panting from the exertion, felt a moment of relief—Odessa was safe. But as she turned, that relief was short-lived. A sharp, searing pain radiated from her side; she looked down to see the demon’s blade had struck her during the final exchange.

The realization hit her like a shockwave. Her hand moved to the wound, coming away slick with blood. As her vision blurred, she stumbled forward. Despite her chains, Odessa caught Violetta in her arms. Their faces were inches apart, and in that intimate moment, recognition dawned—Odessa was the rival relic hunter who had challenged her at every turn, who had pushed her to her limits and beyond. The tragic twist of fate weighed heavily on Violetta as she collapsed against Odessa, her strength fading fast. But as her blood seeped into the cursed ground, something extraordinary happened—the chains binding Odessa began to dissolve, the ancient magic undone by Violetta’s sacrifice.

Desperate to save her, Odessa drew upon the dark powers forced upon her by her captors, channeling them into Violetta with a surge of energy that pulled her back from the brink of death. But instead of restoring Violetta fully to life, the magic cast her into the In-Between—a spectral realm where life and death coexist in a fragile balance. There, Violetta’s curse morphed into something new. She became the only human capable of surviving in this liminal space, tethered to the energies of the In-Between. On the surface, she could maintain the illusion of humanity, but beneath this façade lay the terrifying truth—a being of spectral scars and decaying flesh, visible only when the illusion faltered.

This new existence came with a burden: Violetta was now the guardian of the balance between life and death, responsible for maintaining the fragile equilibrium of the In-Between. She could no longer remain in the mortal world for long without the risk of being pulled back into the spectral realm, where she was both protector and prisoner. Guided by Valenzia, Violetta now navigates the tenuous line between worlds, upholding her duty to GEMINI while searching for a way to stabilize her fractured existence. The sacrifice she made for Odessa haunts her, a constant reminder of the connection they shared and the heavy price she paid for a fleeting moment of redemption. Each day is a struggle to stay one step ahead of the curse that seeks to drag her into the abyss, where she would become a permanent guardian of a realm where time and life no longer hold meaning.

Personal Life And Abilities
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Violetta Blackwater is a woman who thrives on the edge, where the lines between life and death blur, and every decision feels like it could be her last. The curse that ticks away at her humanity has made her both fearless and unrelenting, pushing her to embrace life’s more dangerous pleasures with a dark, almost defiant resolve. In the shadowy corners of seaside taverns, her laughter rings out like a challenge to fate, a sharp contrast to the weight of the battles she fights. Yet beneath the bravado lies a woman who is deeply aware of the fragility of her existence, her actions driven by a relentless urge to grasp every fleeting moment before it slips through her fingers.

Her presence is magnetic, drawing in those who are as intrigued by her mystery as they are by the tales of her exploits. Violetta is not one for subtlety or hesitation—she moves through life with a certain ruthlessness, a pirate who knows that the tides can turn at any moment. There’s a raw intensity to her that can be both captivating and unsettling, as if she’s always one step ahead, daring the world to catch her. Relationships are forged in fire and shadow, intense and fleeting, as Violetta neither seeks nor expects permanence in a world where everything can be taken away in an instant.

Violetta’s powers are as formidable as they are varied. Her command of Sea Magic reflects her deep connection to the ocean, allowing her to summon storms or calm the waves as she wills. This power is a natural extension of her being, as much a part of her as the blood in her veins. The Hellfire she wields is a dark gift that burns with a fury that few can withstand. On the open sea, her tactical mind is as sharp as any blade, turning the chaos of battle into a calculated dance where every move is precise, every strike deliberate.

The spectral forces that she commands are both a blessing and a curse, tying her to the spirits that linger in the In-Between. This connection grants her insight and power, but it also serves as a constant reminder of the thin veil between life and death that she walks every day. Her ability to navigate between dimensions is unmatched, an ability that she’s gained through GEMINI, and her exposure to Valenzia. And then there’s her Abyssal Cleaver, the battle axe that is as much a part of her legend as her name. It channels the dark energy that flows through her, striking down enemies with a force that is both terrifying and awe-inspiring, leaving no doubt that Violetta Blackwater is a force to be reckoned with.

Significant Quotes
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"The sea taught me that power comes at a price, but it's a price I'm willing to pay. The curse may seek to consume me, but I'll carve my destiny from the shadows, even if it means defying death itself."

"The In-Between isn’t a prison; it’s a second chance. I’ll find a way to keep what’s left of me alive."

"Power isn’t given; it’s taken. And I’ll take whatever I need to forge my own destiny."

"So, it was you all along. The one I could never defeat… maybe that’s why I’m here."

"I can feel it, gnawing at the edges of my soul. Every step forward pulls me deeper into the abyss. But I’ll keep walking, I have to."


  1. Violetta is oddly superstitious about mirrors and refuses to keep any aboard her ship. She believes that her reflection might show more than just her face, perhaps revealing the decay lurking beneath her human facade.
  2. Captain Blackwater has an uncanny ability to predict the weather, often sensing a storm hours before it arrives. This skill has earned her a reputation among her crew as being almost otherworldly, as if she’s attuned to the very forces of nature.
  3. She has a habit of collecting feathers from different birds she encounters on her travels. Violetta keeps them tucked away in a small leather pouch, considering them tokens of the freedom that she herself cannot fully attain.
  4. Violetta carries an old, worn playing card—a queen of spades—tucked into her coat. She never gambles with it, but she keeps it close, believing it symbolizes the hand she was dealt by fate, a reminder of the choices she’s made and the path she walks.
  5. The Captain has a curious ritual of throwing a single gold coin into the sea before every voyage. She believes this act buys her safe passage, a superstition she picked up from an old pirate mentor long since lost to the depths.
  6. Despite her fierce independence, Violetta has an aversion to being truly alone. She often surrounds herself with people or animals, preferring their company to the isolation that her curse threatens to impose. It’s a quiet, unspoken vulnerability she rarely allows others to see.
  7. Violetta has an affinity for the scent of lavender, which reminds her of a happier, more innocent time in her life. She carries a small sachet of dried lavender, hidden away in her clothing as a private comfort against the harsh realities she faces.
