Yohannes Senai

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Originicon natural.png V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png
Executioner Senai
CreateSymbol Villain.png
Player: @Iona
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Arachnos Soldier
Security Level: 50
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Yohannes Senai
Known Aliases: Headsman
Species: Human
Age: 25
Height: 7'2"
Weight: ~320lbs/145kg
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Étoile Islander
Occupation: Soldier of Arachnos
Education: (Presumed) Bane Spider covert ops training, military intelligence training, Arachnos boot camp
Place of Birth: Founders Falls, RI
Hometown: St. Martial, EI
Base of Operations: Grandville
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Senai Berhanu (father, deceased), Iona A. Reed (half-sister/alive)
Known Powers
Psychic: Extra-sensory perception, telepathy, mind control
Soldier: Enhanced physical condition
Known Abilities
Collective memory, reconnaissance, combat
Bane Spider Executioner armor, Nullifier Mace, Nullifier Gun Mk I, Camouflage Unit

Yohannes Senai is a member of the Arachnos Bane Spider corps attached to the 74th Division. Since holding the rank of Executioner, he has confirmed being in the security detail of several Arbiters, as well as Lord Recluse himself at different points in his career.

FBSA case file

The information marked in this document is the property of the FBSA and may be distributed within the Federal Bureau of Superpowered Affairs (and its contractors). US intelligence, law enforcement, public safety or protection officials and individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without FBSA authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored and/or destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. Information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in legal proceedings without first receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequently posting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network without first obtaining FBSA approval.

Relevant classification categories:

1.4(b) foreign government information;
1.4(c) intelligence activities, sources, or methods, or cryptology;
1.4(d) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources; 1.4(m) vulnerabilities or capabilities of metahumans, projects or plans, or protection services relating to individuals, which includes defense against foreign entities;

General Information (U//FOUO) Unclassified For Official Use Only


Secret Identity: LIV
Origin: Incarnate
Archetype: Bane Spider
Threat level: 50
Primary Powers: Mind Control
Secondary Powers: Bane Spider Training
Other Powers: Regeneration (origin: excelsior), teleportation (presumed origin: superadine)
Signature Powers: Mind Dominate, Mind Link, Retroactive Immortality

Yohannes Senai is a US citizen to be handled as a foreign intelligence operative whose personal agency is circumstantial.

Yohannes Senai is classified as a rogue Arachnos operative for cooperation with Paragon City law enforcement; protection of civilians; action taken against Arachnos assets & authorities including but not limited to sabotage of the chain of command; reporting of certain Arachnos activities to American authorities; use of force as a civilian in response to active threat events.

  • DO NOT attempt to repatriate.
  • DO NOT attempt psionic contact.
  • DO NOT attempt to interfere with day to day activities.
  • DO NOT attempt to invervene while he operates within Hazard Zones; it is alongside of friendly forces.
  • DO NOT attempt an arrest for Arachnos-related activities conducted on foreign soil; known, or presumed without

  • DO report potentially useful information.
  • DO report noteworthy friendly or hostile contact with authorities.
  • DO report on Arachnos-related activities or contact conducted on domestic soil.
  • DO report on location, intentions and activities taking place whether the subject is uniformed or not.

For law enforcement (SI//LES) Special Intelligence Law Enforcement Sensitive

As of 04/01/2024, there are no documented cases of hostilities with law enforcement.

As of 04/01/2024, there are three partially documented cases of self-defense, defense of others;

  1. Defense of self and Randin Kaye during an incident in Talos Keys in 2019
  2. Defense of self and civilians in a terrorist attack on a Kings Row clinic in 2023
  3. Defense of self and Randin Kaye during an attempt on the latter's life in 2024

As of 04/01/2024, Yohannes Senai is currently providing support to;

  1. One homicide investigation headed by Kings Row Precinct 13
  2. Hazard Zones Dark Astoria; the Hive

PPD officers are advised to standby for a member the; Awakened Division or; a security level 50 law enforcement officer in the case of possible engagement.

For heroes (SI//FOUO) Special Intelligence For Official Use Only

Yohannes Senai is of threat level 50 and in possession of an Incarnate artifact.

FBSA branches MAGI and S.A.M. have identified the artifact as the 'SPINDLE OF NECESSITY' (also known as Ananke's Spindle) per its description in Plato's Republic.

Its only currently known function is providing a form of immortality.

Previously recorded engagements with Longbow and Wyvern agents suggests that anything short of lethal force is unlikely to stop him while he is armored.