The Dunelm Institute

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The Dunelm Institute
Founder: Stockton Roberts
Alignment(s): Hero
Motto: "Victory through Brotherhood"
Leader(s): Stockton Roberts
Logo: Shield
Group Colours: Blue and Yellow
Levels: Mostly 50+
Play style: Anything PvE
Roleplay: IC Missioning and Recreational Drinking
Timezone(s): British Standard Time
Recruiting: Seeking Coalitions with other SG's
Contact: @Eleven
Formally known as The Dunelm Group on Union

"Durham City's Finest" and "Proud to be made in Great Britain", The Dunelm Institute was created to foster a team of super powered or exceptionally skilled individuals to protect Durham City and the wider North East of England region from an increasing number of global threats and are now ready to step up and do their part to help the wider world.



Stockton Roberts - The Director and Founder of The Dunelm Institute, Stockton Roberts funds the team via his vast fortune and houses the team members within his Estate as well as converting his underground laboratory and testing areas into a fully functional operation centre for the teams training and base of operations. He also lends his technological experience as an inventor to build equipment that can assist the team. While the Institute has a significant roster of powerful members these days, Stockton still likes to try and be involved in missions himself using an army of custom built robots and his archery skills.

Knightingail - Gail Roberts is the adopted daughter of Stockton and acts as the Public Relations face of her father's general business dealings and more so now for The Dunelm Institute's activities. The other part of her life is donning the title of The Knightingail, using the shadows to take on foes with Staff Fighting expertise and other gadgetry.

Zoran Lokrum - Luka Roberts is the adopted son of Stockton and prior to the formation of The Dunlem Institute he was involved in assisting his father with the community level endeavours of Stockton's philanthropy and charity work. Following in his sister's footsteps, Luka decided to become an active member of the Institute and goes by the alias of Zoran Lokrum and take on threats using archery skills that he shares with his father.

The Dunelm Trinity

These three members are noted as the main signature heroes of the Institute through their sheer strength and power or due to their reported exceptional feats.

Ràs de Gaer Weir - A title more than a name, translating to The Rage of Durham City, this Immortal Warrior according to myth has protected his home city for centuries although he insists that he was born in modern 20th Century Durham. Always the first to dive into fights, Ràs takes on any challenge with unrelenting determination and fury, almost to the point that if it wasn't for the formation of the Institute, he would potentially have been deemed just as much of a threat as the enemies he takes on when defending the City.

The Prince Bishop - The poster boy of The Dunelm Institute due to obvious similarities to a well known hero from another Metropolitan City in the USA. James Galloway hid his abilities for most of his life and worked as a banker in Durham City, even working with Stockton Roberts to help finance Stockton's charity work. With the formation of The Dunelm Institute however, James no longer wanted to hide from the world and instead was inspired to use is powers to protect those unable to protect themselves from the worlds greatest threats.

Vénus Bássie - Undisputedly the most powerful member of the team due to being the former Elder Goddess Aphrodite, Vénus acts as the chief advisor and expert in all matters of Magic and the Cosmos as well as being able to unleash devastating control of entire battlefields with her Storm Powers inherited from her linage and even in one-on-one combat with martial prowess with a Katana Blade. She is also seen as the glue that hold The Dunelm Trinity together, encouraging The Prince Bishop's virtuous nature as his lover but also acting as the conduit and director of Ràs' rage as his Martial Arts mentor.

Combat Leaders

While Stockton Roberts the overall director of The Dunelm Institute, when the team is engaged in Combat Operations these members are deemed in charge of the Institute due to prior experience in running combat engagements.

Leon Tasker - Formally Brigadier Leon Tasker of the British Armed Forces, a graduate of the Royal Academy Sandhurst, Leon is the head of all Combat Operations for The Dunelm Institute due to a vast history of being an Officer in Military engagements around the globe as well as a stint in the famed British S.A.S. Leon to this day garners great respect among former and active members the British Armed Forces due to his reputation of achieving victory with minimal loss of soldiers from thorough planning and unwillingness to wilfully sacrifice lives of military personnel in order to achieve success. It is this same reputation that gives Leon the respect of his leadership by the whole Institute despite being one of the older members of the group and being simply a good solider without any special powers compared to most of the team.

Emma Tasker - Wife of Leon Tasker, Emma takes charge of combat engagements if multiple operations are in effect, splitting the team or if Leon is out of action. This isn't due to simply being Leon's wife but due to her own experience as former Chief Constable of the Durham County Police Service. While Police operations never reached the same level of danger as Leon's military history, Emma holds the same level of determination to protect and serve the public as any military officer and as such holds just as much respect among the Institute as her husband does.

Other Members

Northern Darkstar - Amelia Dennison was a friend from childhood of both Gail and Luka Roberts. She suffered what would have been fatal injuries during an attack on Durham City in the early days of the Institute's formation but was ultimate saved when merging with a former Nictus Essence to become a Warshade. Soon after this Amelia formally joined the team as an early member.

Do Lo Might - Thought of a the heart and soul of The Dunelm Institute, Dominic Longstaff is encouraged to keep the team on the path of being a benefit to the public due to the fact that he is the only member of the team with a regular local, working class background. A case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Dominic was caught in the crossfire of an incident involving the team and criminals holding advanced technology which led to a sudden, irreversible mutation that allows him to manipulate his body to turn into various types of rocks and minerals. Stockton and the team initially tried to help cure Dominic of his condition but when it was determined that nothing could be done, Dominic was offered a spot with the Institute to use his powers to assist the team with it goal of protecting the region which Dominic accepted in appreciation for the efforts made to help him in the first place.

Iron Works - The first of three major creations of former Stockton Roberts protégé Neil Christopher Wilson, Iron Works is a cybernetic being that was created to finally prove to Stockton that keeping humans "alive" through complete cyber augmentation was viable and the best way to save lives. Stockton however insisted that he could not follow Neil down the path of abandoning everything considered ethical in the pursuit of Technology and medical science. Iron Works was soon changed from an independent theoretical case to assist The Dunelm Institute, to an opposing combatant along with with other creations over time. The being inside the unit however eventually came to the conclusion that actions of it's creator were wrong and in the Final Confrontation, turned on Neil to side with The Dunelm Institute. Following Neil's death in the battle, Iron Works officially joined the team.

Steel House - The second of three creations from Neil Christopher Wilson, Steel House is a combat android created from the concepts of Synthetic Intelligence and built with the purpose of protecting it's "Brother Unit" Iron Works, particularly to take on Ràs de Gaer Weir in combat. However when Iron Works decided to reject the programming of their creator and join The Dunelm Institute, Steel House followed it's Brother in siding with the team against Neil. Steel House continues to operate with the purpose of assisting his Brother in combat however the team is selective in using the unit given it's highly lethal design.

Torv Vermundr - A construct being Vénus Bássie created with her magic and fashioned in the style of a Viking Warrior from Valhalla but with a constant jovial personality and a voice volume to match. Torv was initially and rather jokingly referred to as Vénus' bodyguard even though in reality Vénus being as powerful as she is does not need one. He instead acts as a faithful companion to Vénus and to the group as a whole having bonded with the team from many "Glorious Battles" and from many nights revelling in celebratory battle stories over food and mead in the bases' own small bar affectionately called "Little Valhalla".



Covenant of Mythicz - Led by the Dark Arch-Mage Mythicz, who is one of The Prince Bishop's Brothers, this villainous group is comprised of Magic users or entities. While the rivalry between the brothers Prince Bishop and Mythicz is obvious, the group also has developed a hatred for Vénus Bássie stemming from her handing the group its first major defeat. The Covenant members Bella Furia and Killya Erielyn particularly are found in direct confrontation with Vénus. There is also a direct rivalry born from the estranged family of the Institutes' Do Lo Might and The Covenant's Mud Slide.

The Dunelm Kingdom - Created as a direct mockery of The Dunelm Institute by The Prince Bishop's other brother, King Bishop following his successful coup of a Galactic Empire he was previously enslaved to. The Dunelm Kingdom's initial attempt to invade Earth was thwarted by Vénus Bássie but only after a dangerous attempt to change events from viewing her own visions from a future where the Institute was captured. The concern amongst the team is that this action as high risk as it was has only delayed The Dunelm Kingdom from trying to invade Earth again this time more prepared with the full might of its army.


Senshu Hitoku - While opposed to the Institute in general, Senshu Hitoku is mostly the main rival to Ràs de Gaer Weir. The team has foiled the scheme of Hitoku a number of times but Hitoku remains undefeated in one on one combat with Ràs.

Impervium Tower - The third creation of Neil Christopher Wilson at the point of his insanity, this unit was solely created for the singular purpose to destroy The Dunelm Institute following Neil's constant defeats. While the unit did kill it's own creator before the start of it battle with the team, it was heading towards completing it purposes before being defeated by the first public outing of The Prince Bishop. However, the unit was never destroyed beyond potential repair and has only been hidden by the Institute rather than decommissioned into pieces.

Eric Bridgeland - Former colleague and close friend of Leon Tasker in the British Armed Forces, the tragic death of his wife in a terrorist attack caused Eric to take a radical change in his world view and ultimately led him to becoming a wanted man by a number of European Nations due to him and his Mercenary group attempting coups and political assassinations in various territories.

Joe Template - A regular thorn in the side of the team, Joe Template has escaped prison just as quickly as the Institute puts him back in on many occasions as a result of his unique mutation. It is this same mutation that makes conflict with Template difficult for the team as many within the group are at risk of the same infection that Template's Drone Victims are plagued with if care is not taken when attempting to apprehend him.