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Overload logo 1.png

Hero Icon Web.png
The Overcharged
Poor Impulse Control
Overload main 1.jpg
· Technology Hero ·
Electrical Affinity
Electrical Blast
Electricity Mastery
Player: @Hassu
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·


Real Name
Lynda Fix (Secret)
Hero, Electrical Engineer, Mechanic
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Jack Fix (Father), Ellie Fix (Mother)
Physical Traits
White American
Apparent Age
Early 20s
165 cm (5'5")
55 kg (120 lbs)
Body Type


Lynda Fix grew up in Camden, London, where was always surrounded by the hum of machinery and the smell of engine oil. Her father was a mechanic, and from a young age, she spent countless hours in his garage, learning the ins and outs of various machines. Her fascination with engines also extended to the electrical systems that powered them. By her teenage years, Lynda could rebuild an engine from scratch and was the go-to person for any electrical repairs in her neighborhood.

Soon, Lynda's parents moved to the US, where her interests shifted from mechanical engineering to the electrical components that powered vehicles. She was particularly fascinated by car batteries and their inner workings. This led her to study electrical engineering in college, where she conducted various experiments on energy storage and energy manipulation. She spent countless nights experimenting with different materials and designs. Her breakthrough came when she discovered high-efficiency batteries and capacitors that could store and discharge massive amounts of electrical energy without overheating or degrading quickly.

After graduating, Lynda devoted herself full-time to perfecting her designs. She secured a job at an advanced technology company, which gave her access to cutting-edge materials and tools. Using her salary and resources, she continued to develop her designs: She created a new suit that was lightweight, form-fitting, and equipped with multiple of her high-capacity batteries and capacitors. The suit also included advanced insulation to protect her from electrical feedback and a sophisticated control system to regulate the flow of electricity.

With this new suit, Lynda adopted the moniker "Overload." She started small by focusing on helping her local community, using her powers to prevent accidents and assist in emergencies. However, as she grew more confident in her abilities, she started taking on more significant challenges while she continued to upgrade her suit and adding features. With her ability to generate and manipulate electricity, she quickly made a name for herself, from thwarting bank heists to dismantling dangerous technological devices. She continues to push the boundaries of her abilities, always ready to face new threats and challenges.

Abilities and Powers.

Electro-Shield: The suit can generate an electric field around Lynda, forming a protective shield that can deflect physical attacks, bullets, and some forms of energy attacks. The shield can be modulated to either be a full-body barrier or localized to specific areas.

Stun Field: By adjusting the frequency and intensity of the electric field, Lynda can create a stun field that incapacitates enemies within a certain radius, rendering them immobile or unconscious without causing permanent harm.

Energy Blasts: The suit channels stored electrical energy into concentrated blasts, which can be fired from her hands through specially designed emitters on the suit. These blasts vary in intensity from non-lethal stuns to powerful, destructive strikes capable of breaching reinforced materials.

Arc Lightning: Lynda can generate and direct bolts of lightning to strike targets at a distance, allowing her to engage enemies from afar. This ability can be fine-tuned for precision strikes or wide-area attacks.

Absorption: The suit can absorb external sources of electricity, including power lines, electrical devices, and even enemy attacks, converting this energy to recharge the suit’s batteries and capacitors.

Redirection: Absorbed energy can be redirected and discharged as powerful counter-attacks, allowing Lynda to turn an enemy’s strength against them.

Magnetism: The suit can manipulate electromagnetic fields to move metallic objects, create barriers, or disarm opponents. This can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.

EMP Pulse: Lynda can generate an electromagnetic pulse to disable electronic devices within a certain range, useful for neutralizing enemy technology or escaping from electronic traps.

Electric Surge Speed: By channeling electrical energy through her suit, Lynda can achieve superhuman speed, effectively riding electric currents like a wave. This ability allows her to move at incredible speeds, making her a blur to the naked eye, almost as if she’s surfing on electricity.

Power Storage: The suit is equipped with cutting-edge batteries and capacitors that store significant amounts of electrical energy, ensuring Lynda has ample power for extended operations.

Rapid Recharge: Advanced technology allows for quick recharging from various sources, including conventional power outlets, solar energy, and kinetic energy from Lynda’s movements.

Electro-Insulation: The suit is made from materials that provide excellent insulation, protecting Lynda from electrical feedback and environmental hazards.

Temperature Regulation: Integrated cooling systems prevent overheating during high-energy operations, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

Enhanced Sensors: The suit includes a suite of sensors that provide real-time data on electrical sources, enemy positions, and environmental conditions. This information is displayed on a heads-up display in Lynda’s visor.

Suit Interface: A built-in computer system helps Lynda manage the suit’s functions, monitor power levels, and execute complex maneuvers with precision.

Mobility Enhancements: The suit includes features such as electromagnetically enhanced boots and gloves, enabling Lynda to scale metallic surfaces, glide short distances, and perform acrobatic feats.