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NAME: Thomas Worthington III (Secret)
PLACE OF BIRTH: The Burrow, Unknown Location
AGE: 34
OCCUPATION: Adventurer, Protector, Socialite

    TalonKnights receive a "blessing" once they complete the ritual to take on the mantle. The Blessing gives the TalonKnight limited peak human strength, speed, and metabolism.


  • TECH


How the legacy started. Listen in, it was a hoot.

In the early 11th Century, a young squire and his master were sent by the Knight’s templar to search for the “Holy Grail” during the Crusades. They believed that the grail would help them liberate Jerusalem from “the infidels” and spread their faith throughout the world. When weeks of searching turned into months, and then into years, the band of once noble knights grew disillusioned with their mission and the war, and decided to abuse their power, except the squire and his master. Everything hit boiling point when the Band of Knights came across the rumored “cursed” village, known for its dense population of desert owls* (a symbol of bad luck in Middle Eastern Culture). Soon, conflict broke out between the villagers and the Knights, leading to them pillaging and plundering. The young squire and his Master had enough, and decided to take matters into his own hands, joining the oppressed villagers in driving the rogue band of knights away. The battle was bloody, and the master was fatally wounded. With his dying breath, he elevated the young squire to knighthood.

This act of bravery and honor almost cost the squire his life, being badly beaten and near death’s door. Unbeknownst to the squire, the “cursed” village they had helped were also the keepers of the “Holy Grail”, which used the superstition on owls as a cover for the underground river which was situated within the village. The river had healing properties caused by a meteorite which landed in the area hundreds of years ago, and it was the source of power of the“Grail”. Bathing in the river not only had fully healed the squire of his wounds, but had also granted him limited enhanced strength, speed and stamina. The village shaman gave the young squire a piece of the meteor, in exchange for protecting its secret and saving the village and its people from the band of rogue knights. They dubbed the young man “al Sada*”, or “the death owl” due to the loud cry he let out for his unavenged master. The squire was grateful for his second chance, and swore then and there to the shaman to not only protect the secret of the grail, but also the innocent and to stop tyranny wherever he went.

The young squire, now a knight, returned to his hometown in Europe, only to find it rotting with corruption. At first, he tried to handle the problems with diplomacy, as Sir Thomas Werthy, landowner and lord of a small village beyond the valley. But the people had given up hope, and the cruelty of the King’s men had made it hard to stand up to the injustice, even for a knight of the templar.

Finding inspiration from the village that saved his life, “al Sada” forged an identity to drive out the corrupt villany in his lands, also striking fear into those who even tried. On that day, the first TALONKNIGHT was born, giving birth to a long generation of crime fighters who fought through centuries of villainy to protect the innocent.


"Beware, beware the TALONKNIGHT! His eyes of gold a frightening sight! Turn and run with all your might! The TALONKNIGHT hunts tonight!" -18th Century Nursery Rhyme

Thomas “Tripp” Worthington III grew up a happy child in peaceful times, unbeknownst to him the legacy of his family. His father was Maxwell Worthington, CEO of Worthy Consolidated and his mother Margaret was a socialite from an equally wealthy family.

Tripp was a superhero fanboy; he fell in love with the idea of fighting crime and saving innocents. He’d sit in his father’s 50th floor corner office and watch out for heroes doing flybys and saving people. It wasn’t until Tripp’s 10th birthday where his father revealed the family’s long kept secret: he was part of a long legacy of crime fighters, and he would be next in line to pick up the mantle… if he was worthy (no pun intended). His father showed him the “Burrow”, a secret base of operations located in an undisclosed part of the world, accessible only through a special teleportation device (designed with the help of Nikola Tesla) and explained the duties and responsibilities of a TalonKnight.



Born for this.


The suit doesn't make the man... But it helps.




Friends in high places.