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=='''A History of Violence'''==
=='''A History of Violence'''==
[[File:2022-10-09 20-15-14.png|thumb|200px]]

===The Death of Tuk===
===The Death of Tuk===

The Grun'Tuk have had an incredibly violent past. From the moment the first Grun was able to lift a stone there was a near incessant need to cause violence. Much like humanity their people went through their own elemental/metallic ages, bronze, brass, steel, through the Atomic and finally into an age when they could effectively take to the stars in armoured ships. Sadly they found themselves trapped in their own system due to the inability for them to harness faster-than-light technology.  
The Grun'Tuk have had an incredibly violent past. From the moment the first Grun was able to lift a stone there was a near incessant need to cause violence. Much like humanity, their people went through their own elemental/metallic ages, bronze, brass, steel, through the Atomic and finally into an age when they could effectively take to the stars in armoured ships. Sadly they found themselves trapped in their own system due to the inability for them to harness faster-than-light technology.  

A neighbouring planet with a smaller species known as the '''Flovian Accord''' tried their best to trade with the Grun. However, their more pacifist nature was met with extreme hostility but the Tuk bound creatures. Seeing it as a sign of weakness, the Grun refused any help from their more than willing neighbours. Woefully outmatched by the Flovian science, the Grun had to look elsewhere to achieve their need to expand.  
A neighbouring planet with a smaller species known as the '''Flovian Accord''' tried their best to trade with the Grun. However, their more pacifist nature was met with extreme hostility but the Tuk bound creatures. Seeing it as a sign of weakness, the Grun refused any help from their more than willing neighbours. Woefully outmatched by the Flovian science, the Grun had to look elsewhere to achieve their need to expand.  

Revision as of 22:59, 6 January 2023

The Grun'Tuk Empire
Alignment(s): Unknown
Motto: 'Remain Safe And Strong'
Leader(s): Unknown
Grun'Tuk Symbol.png
Group Colours: Predominantly Black and Gold
Levels: All
Play style: Casual
Roleplay: Villains
Timezone(s): Primarily EU/UK
Recruiting: No
Contact: @Gruntuk / @Absitomen
No additional information available.

The Grun'Tuk Empire


Article still a work in progress

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The Grun’Tuk Empire are an interstellar species of creatures that have taken to the stars for a singular purpose. To conquer everything they set their eyes upon.

Looking similar to Earth’s mythological creature "the Minotaur" they are mostly humanoid with the visage of a bovine creature. Despite Earth's minotaur having its origin in myth and magic, the Grun'Tuk are creatures born of science and genetic engineering. There are subtle differences, but only those who have been able to study one of them under a knife would notice.

Highly advanced and capable of interstellar travel, the Grun’Tuk has spread to the stars to claim what they believe is rightfully theirs: everything the universe has to offer.

With this ability to travel the stars they strive to widen their dominion and bring more worlds under their control. Any potential planet seen as viable to support the Grun’Tuk people, be it as living space or for its raw materials will find the large fleets of the Empire darkening its skies.

The Grun’Tuk are pragmatic when it comes to selecting their potential targets for expansion. Early in their existence, they found themselves nearly wiped out trying to invade every single world they came across. This spread their forces out too thinly and resulted in the needless loss of many soldiers and ships. Sometimes it can take a few hard lessons to knock some sense into creatures with incredibly thick skulls.

Having learned from these early campaigns the Grun’Tuk took a much more measured approach to selecting planets to invade. They would find clusters of planets close by and send scouts out to these worlds to investigate their worth. Once a cluster is deemed worthy, scouts would be sent to each world to evaluate their worth. The scout's assigned task would be to infiltrate the planet and analyse the local flora and fauna. Intelligence would then be fed back to the fleets for the high command to decide upon the benefits and costs of beginning a campaign against the potential target planet and any inhabitants upon its surface.

A writer's note

Some of the stuff we have created would put these guys into the realm of "Empire too stupid to exist..." We are entirely aware of that. It's a comic book universe and we are having a little fun here. Some of the lore might change over time as we fine-tune the brutes

Some of the information given here might not be known by those upon Earth. So, if you wish to use it to your advantage please put the effort into thinking up a reasonable reason why you may know something that has not been voiced by one of the Grun'Tuk themselves. We will do our best to highlight that which has not yet been mentioned in public.

All the best from @Gruntuk, I hope you enjoy the read

And Remember "Be safe and strong."

Grun and Tuk

The name of the people, and by extension their Empire, is derived from a mixture of the genetic species and the home world they draw their origin from. Their language has a tendency to mix nouns and verbs together to spawn brand new words.

Not a people for colourful language, they like to keep things simple. Grun, in effect, is also the name of their language. They are Grun and they speak Grun. Their language will be discussed in more detail later in this article.

The species itself is called Grun. They have referred to themselves as Grun from the moment the first of them could write. They will forever be Grun, no matter how much they have been genetically altered. The Grun that first left their home system would look much different from the creatures you see today.

Tuk is the world that gave birth to their species. They honour their shattered home by weaving its name into that of their Empire so they can forever remember what they did to their world.

Physical Description


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For the smart-asses amongst the human population... some would describe them as Space Cows.

For the misunderstood amongst the human population... some would describe them as Space Minotaurs.

The species, Grun, physically have the visage of a Bovine creature and do, indeed look like "Sons and Daughters of Minos," (What the Grun'Tuk call Minotaurs). However, these looks only go skin deep. They are genetically engineered beings, each individual of their race is grown/bred for a specific purpose in their war machine. Some are incredibly large, having vast amounts of muscle mass to weather incredible punishment, while others can be leaner and agile for more delicate operations or surgical strikes.

Physically their size ranges from 6ft to 10ft in height. Their mass varies wildly depending on their purpose. Their natural fur colouring varies just as wildly as well. Unlike Minotaurs, they possess human-like feet. Some will possess horns of differing nature, others will have stumps where horns used to exist or have failed to grow. There are "cultural and societal" reasons why a Grun would not possess horns.

All are physically strong and incredibly quick, however, there are exceptional Grun who exceed their base strength and agility. They can suffer incredible punishment before they fall, being a warrior race they have bred fortitude and resilience into themselves. However, and this might not technically be a physical trait, some will have their mental facilities reduced so they can be better soldiers. Jar-Heads are indeed something the Grun'Tuk use.

When they bleed, they bleed red with what appear to be flecks of gold mixed in their blood. The Grun'Tuk see these flecks of gold as a sign of vitality and power so they choose to wear gold with pride. Only those who are censored are forbidden from wearing gold upon their bodies.

Armour and Clothing

They can be found adorned in the armour of their people. The armour is made of a heavy and dense material, alien in origin to Earth. Where brute force is needed a Grun'Tuk soldier needs armour that can bear just as much punishment as they physically can. Armour plates cover the vital organs and reinforce defence over the areas needing it most. Underneath these armoured plates, they would wear a form-fitting body suit for extreme environmental protection. This second skin is optional. Some Grun'Tuk prefer only to wear the plated protection as it gives them the most freedom of movement.

Their war gear, much like their people, is mass-produced. Entire brigades of soldiers can be easily outfitted within days of them being born from their Vats. Grun'Tuk soldiers are prepared to die for their cause, therefore their armour is built to a certain degree to help prevent death, however, so as not to waste vital materials only what is needed is woven into their suits.

Its colour indicates the soldier/citizen's rank or unit assignment.


They are an Empire that conquers worlds, so they have both subjects and enemies spread throughout the quadrants of Space they occupy. Several species are subordinate to them and fill roles the warriors feel they are not fit to do. Others act as auxiliary forces for their war-machine.

To Earth, they would be seen as an aggressive and invasive force with fleeting affiliation to those who ally themselves with.

Unity: We Are One

Our Unity makes us strong

All Grun'Tuk are bound by what they call their Unity. Each individual sees themselves as a cell in a larger organism. When they fight, they fight as one. Unit cohesion is incredible and their adherence to their battle doctrine is even more so. Watching the Grun'Tuk battle would be like watching ants go to war. A soldier will always be precisely where they need to be without even realising it.

Outside of battle it also helps keep them focused on the Empire's objective. Conquest. Even mundane tasks can be seen to fulfil some objective for the Greater Good of their Unity. It helps maintain peace amongst a species bred entirely for war. Placating and enforcing obedience are some of the benefits their Unity brings to the Empire. When everyone thinks as One there is very little room for argument.

To the Grun'Tuk they see this as their Unity as a guiding force. Almost like a spiritual connection to each brother and sister within the Empire. It is seen as a way of thinking. It binds them, guides them and overall drives them to conquer and expand. It feels as natural a force to them as thought and instinct. They don't just feel their own instincts, they feel those of their comrades around them.

How Unity also plays a significant role in their society is through the enforcement of their ideals and doctrine. Those grown to lead will have significant sway over those they command. Army discipline is supreme as when a General gives a subordinate an order, the subordinate is compelled to follow said order. They see such an order as non-negotiable and something that will help drive their campaign of conquest forward. An order given from a superior will even supersede a Grun'Tuk's original thinking. The Grun'Tuk are raised to follow the orders of their superiors but the Unity gives an extra level of reinforcement, they are born to obey and are more than happy to do so.

Their Unity also acts like a psionic medium through which they can convey commands and orders. It is something more passively used and the vast majority of the species are unaware of their people having psionic abilities. A superior can consider an action and his subordinates will carry it out. Complex commands cannot be communicated through this medium, but basic/primal commands such as attack, defend and retreat can be felt by the soldiers around them. The Grun'Tuk would chalk to their superior training, knowing what to do and when, but it is their Unity that acts as the bridge between minds.

Some Grun'Tuk, such as the GobbaSkar (Warmakers) inherit this ability from the moment they are grown. They act as field generals and possess a great depth of knowledge and tactics. With their Unity's help they can orchestrate large numbers of soldiers. A company of Grun'Tuk soldiers can number anywhere from 100 to 1000 strong. When led by a GobbaSkar they will fight as one entity.

There is nothing but our Unity

(( Work In Progress ))

To the outsider, it would be known as a psionic hive mind. Unbeknownst to their people though is the sinister undercurrent that comes with the Unity.

Only a select few of the Grun who are born to the Empire are aware of its true nature. Only those selectively bred to enforce their Unity are aware of its true nature as they are made to be conduit are completely unaware that there is any other way of thinking. From the moment they step out of their VAT they are enthralled by their Unity's will. Their minds are moulded to conform and fight. There is just the cause and the Grun'Tuk are unwittingly happy to only think in such a one-dimensional way.

Even when explained directly to them how they are controlled and manipulated by such a force a Grun'Tuk would simply brush off the information as incorrect thinking and simple misunderstanding. No one but a Grun'Tuk truly knows how their Unity works. From the moment they step out of their VAT they are enthralled by their Unity's will and its conditioning goes deep.

Idiosyncracies and way of life

Confidence: Might Makes Us Right

The Grun'Tuk are supremely confident creatures. They have been fighting in wars throughout their entire species' existence. This means they can speak with confidence when it comes to their physical ability to achieve their goals. This, however, does not breed overbearing arrogance within them. They are well aware of their own weaknesses and flaws as well. They don't let these hold them back. When they set their mind on a task they will throw every fibre of their being into achieving their objective. If they cannot achieve it, they will retreat and rally and weigh up their options.

They are also not arrogant to dismiss any enemy they face, no matter how infallible they believe they are. So, they will compliment a species when they see strength, and even provide advice on how to better themselves if given the opportunity.

Society: Caste to Die

The Grun'tuk society is a caste-based system. Warriors, fighters, admirals, marines, commanders... anything that would fight as their primary purpose are seen as a higher-tiered caste than anything that fulfils an auxiliary role. Some Grun'Tuk are unfortunate enough to not rise to this rank, most times through no fault of their own. Genetic quirks can cause a Grun'Tuk to be underdeveloped physically in their VATs. Those that come out of the tank and are seen as inferior stock are reassigned to auxiliary forces, most frequently the science divisions where their sharp minds can be put to task on other objectives in the Empire.

However, like a few things with the Grun'Tuk, there is a barbed twist to this. Those who are found insufficient out of the tank have their horns removed as a mark of shame. Those who develop insufficiencies later in life are assigned to Rhel units, suicide/penal units.

Most remarkable tech hallmark

Interstellar travel, biological engineering, becoming a species of Vat grown warriors/monsters.

One thing to note about their tech is that they have found it better to conquer those with the technology they want, rather than invest the time and effort into drawing up a proper scientific sect of their species. This has resulted in their scientists both being seen as second-class citizens.

Those not of their species are seen as subjects. They don't abhor their subjects, but they also dont see them as equals. They are just another tool or weapon in the war machine and the Grun'Tuk take great pride in looking after their tools or weapons. However, if a tool or weapon is no longer of any use it is disposed of, efficiently.

Cultural Progress Level

Cultural "progress" is not something they really do. More like Cultural acquisition... and even then only if it will conform to their ideals.

They are an ancient species and have been space-borne for the last near millennia and a half.

They have got to the level that they can pew pew in space though... if that hasn't been made abundantly clear until now.

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Stages of a Grun'Tuk Invasion

Pre Invasion Preparation: Select optimum target worlds

Before a conquest can begin the Grun'Tuk spend a great deal of time identifying potential worlds for them to expand to. Despite their desire to wage an almost eternal war across the galaxy they have learned the hard way that they cannot spread themselves too thin, otherwise, they will lose what they have worked so hard to accumulate.

When they first set out to conquer the galaxy they fought all species, empires, and entities they came across. From feudal societies upon planets where the most advanced weapon was the bow and arrow right up to species that had nearly transcended time and space. Some wars were won swiftly, however, the majority ground down what little resources the fledgling Empire had, resulting in devastating losses.

For them to expand effectively they needed to find worlds that they could more easily take control of and eventually build up to "larger prey."

It was decreed that each potential planet that the Grun'Tuk identified would be evaluated first and simulations run to work out whether the planet would even be worth further investigation. If deemed so preparations would begin to send a singular Grun'Tuk scout to the world to carry out a more intimate examination of the world.

Due to their extreme-long-range scanners being limited in scope, only surface information could be gathered. Inhabitants, atmosphere, climate, surrounding stellar objects and signals from the world could be identified. Sometimes it was obvious when a world was inhabited by a highly advanced species due to the volume of "noise" the planet would generate. These worlds in the early stages of the Empire were ignored until the Empire was of suitable strength to engage them. Anything of a technological level inferior to the Grun'Tuk was deemed an adequate target.

But the universe can sometimes throw a curveball at you. With the laws of physics being what they are, light bends and slows when near black holes and information can be corrupted by stellar drift and anomalies. Some planets that were identified as having industrial-level civilisations were found to be stellar powerhouses once a closer inspection was had. It was still a fight the Grun'Tuk undertook, however, it meant pulling forces from defending other sectors to make sure victory was achieved. Other planets simply ceased to exist where they were supposed to... perhaps swallowed by some form of "Warp" or other fantastical realm.

One final thing the Grun'Tuk would also have to consider would be the target world's proximity to their adversaries. The Grun'Tuk are not the only predator in the Galatic jungle and they will avoid a fight they know they cannot win against an opponent of superior strength. One notable example being the Crysix Swarms, a species of alien insects that have plagued the Grun'Tuk Empire for centuries, handing them defeat after defeated and hollowed worlds.

To improve the chances of finding a worthwhile world, several scouts would be sent out. One assigned to each potential target close enough for the Grun'Tuk to engage effectively. There have been times that some planets have been selected outside of this comfort zone as they were seen as highly valued and worth the risk.

This with planets designated as targets, Stage One can begin.

Stage One: Send forth the scouts

Stage Two: Deploy a Vanguard force

Stage Three: Call in the fleets

Stage Four: Conquest

Stage Five: Assimilate, Dominate or Erradicate

A History of Violence

The Death of Tuk

The Grun'Tuk have had an incredibly violent past. From the moment the first Grun was able to lift a stone there was a near incessant need to cause violence. Much like humanity, their people went through their own elemental/metallic ages, bronze, brass, steel, through the Atomic and finally into an age when they could effectively take to the stars in armoured ships. Sadly they found themselves trapped in their own system due to the inability for them to harness faster-than-light technology.

A neighbouring planet with a smaller species known as the Flovian Accord tried their best to trade with the Grun. However, their more pacifist nature was met with extreme hostility but the Tuk bound creatures. Seeing it as a sign of weakness, the Grun refused any help from their more than willing neighbours. Woefully outmatched by the Flovian science, the Grun had to look elsewhere to achieve their need to expand.

Turning inwards Grun scientists were ordered to throw everything they had into breaking the laws of physics so the burgeoning warmongers could spread from their planet and expand their dominion across the stars. Every avenue was explored. No stone was left unturned. For a species that was perpetually at war with itself for its entire existence, the need to escape their own planet finally united them all in one goal. It was the first time within Grun recorded history that the species felt United with one goal.

Little did they realise that in the distant future there would come a time where breaking away from this Unity would be a near impossible feat.

The different nations around the world were able to accelerate their scientific potential. Exotic weapons never heard of before were invented. If the Flovian would not give them the technology then they would suffer. Seismic weapons, capable of breaking continents were invented. Early stages of cloning themselves had also begun. Inter-system shipcraft were upgraded and made more brutal and savage.

The planet of Tuk was preparing for a war with the Flovian. However, the first shot that would start a war of extermination was not fired upon Flovian soil, instead, it was upon Grun that the bloodshed began.

Their initial semblance of a unified front evaporated over time as some nations made bigger breakthroughs than others. Nations grew jealous, frightened and paranoid. The very weapons they built to obliterate their neighbouring foe were turned upon themselves. A war that would truly end all wars erupted and began violently within weeks of the newly made super weapons being deployed on Tuk Soil.

Their home world could not withstand the punishment and it began to break apart. For only the second time in Grun's history did they unite together to achieve a singular objective. Survival.

Every vessel that could ferry their people to the starships above was employed. Many Grun survived the ordeal, but the species was a shadow of its former self.

In a moment of desperation, the eyes of the Grun settled on the Flovian's planet... and with one last gamble, they launched their species, every male, female and child, into an all-out war to conquer their neighbours and claim the planet for their own.

A war in the heavens: The Flovian Accord

As mentioned before, the destruction of their home world forced the Grun to expand outwards within their own system and conquer their first world. A world owned by the Flovian Accord.

This was both a war of survival, for the ships that rescued them from their home world were not capable of sustaining the Grun's remaining population for a lengthy period of time, but also a war of dominance. The Grun failed, and like the bullies they are, they wished to lash out at the closest thing to them so their people could soothe their bruised egos and clean away this newfound stigma. The flames of war would either purge them of their failures or extinguish their species entirely.

It was, to the Grun, all or nothing.

To the Flovian, they saw a desperate species on the brink of extinction and despite the motivations of the Grun (For the species really didn't do much in the way of hiding their desires) they offered asylum to the now homeless species.

Their initial offers were met with silence, but once Grun ships were within close transmission range of their planet the silence was broken by a declaration of war.

The Flovian's technology outmatched anything the Grun could bring to bear. They were a peaceful and scientific people, constantly looking to advance their means to explore the universe and learn. During the war with the Grun they found they could only survive if their scientific inventions and endeavours were turned and corrupted so they could be used in the war with the hostile species. It brought great shame to their kind to see their inventions used for death, but if the Accord was win they needed to be as desperate as their adversaries.

Their ability to manipulate gravity and use their powers to crush great swathes of Grun soldiers and warships gave them a decisive edge in the beginning. However, the Grun were more numerous and prepared to use any tactic to bring about victory. Anything and everything at the Grun's disposal was used to help them win the war. Grun Ships were dropped on larger population centres, turning their engines and fuel into cataclysmic weapons of mass destruction. The Grun did not differentiate between soldiers and civilians. Everyone being upon the Accord's planet was a combatant and thus a designated target.

The war with the Accord was brutal and bloody and nearly resulted in the Grun's extermination. The Flovian's will for war broke before they could strike a decisive blow. Those who could attempt to flee their shared home system did, relying on newly discovered Faster Than Light technology. Those who could not flee were doomed to a life of enslavement followed by extermination when their usefulness dissipated.

An Empire is born

With the demise of the Flovian Accord's home world, the Grun could begin focusing on regrowing their population and looking to the future.

They sampled their first taste of conquest and seeing an opportunity, the leadership of the remaining Grun people saw motivations that would keep their people unified again and for the foreseeable future.

Firstly, a great shame. They have destroyed their own world and in turn, nearly destroyed their own species. To commemorate this terrible past the people decided they shall carry the burden forever in their name. Not being the creative sort, they appended the name of their world to their species' name.

Thus the Grun'Tuk were born. They were determined that other species would fear that name, but their people would forever wear it as a mark of shame. Over the centuries this shame gave way to pride. Now with their history having been rewritten, they bear the name of their mother planet with reverence.

Secondly, no stronger front was ever formed than when their people were united against another species in warfare. It was therefore decreed that their people would spread forth and conquer other species. The Grun'Tuk people decided that there was no better goal to keep them bound together than the persecution of other species. They had their eyes on the galaxy, and they wished to conquer it all.

Finally, once the dust had settled, the Grun'Tuk had time to review the events that lead to their near extinction. Fingers were pointed and blame was thrown around. The infighting that spawned from this new strife nearly threw the Grun'Tuk into a new civil war upon their newly conquered planet. To curb the chance of all-out war breaking out a scapegoat was needed. Those in power wove a story that it was those who built the weapons that broke Tuk, their scientists, were the ones who should shoulder their people's blame. Thus, a section of their citizenry was demoted to second-class citizens, those who worked in the field of science.

Even to this day, Grun'Tuk Scientists are seen as inferior specimens. Those who are birthed from their VAT and deemed not to be suitable to serve in their Empire's military are instead reassigned to be Grun'Tuk Scientists. Nothing more than glorified custodians of their existing technology and that technology they have taken from other empires.

The Fate of the Flovian Accord

With the Grun'Tuk now losing trust in their own scientists under irrational circumstances they were in need of ways to advance their people's technological progress. They turned to those Flovian scientists that remained. Through cohesion and false promises the Grun'Tuk demanded the Flovian make them installer capable. Flovian ships were repurposed and given over to their new masters. Grun'Tuk weaponry, communications and defences were upgraded and improved to levels the brutish species would never have been capable of.

Off the back of their conquered adversaries, the fledgling empire grew stronger. Flovian technological became so interwoven with theirs that the Grun'Tuk had to make some concessions. The Flovian understanding of the sciences was so much more nuanced than that of their overlords. Concepts and theories they discovered could be understood if reviewed in the Flovian language, but due to how basic the language of Grun was, many minor details were missed or lost.

It was therefore decided that the Grun'Tuk would adopt the Flovian tongue as a secondary language. Not to be held with as much reverence as their mother tongue, "Flovian" became the language used in Grun'Tuk technology and science.

Despite the species' annihilation, their language lives on strong, serving its new masters.

If one were to inspect the command consoles of current Grun'Tuk ships there would be a mixture of both Grun and Flovian scrawled across the input controls.

(( Work in progress ))

Trivial Information

Seeing the planet's love for propaganda on billboards, the Grun'Tuk decided they would invest and show some of their own.

Unsurprisingly these are torn down pretty swiftly.
