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==== Abilities ====
==== Abilities ====

The subject presents Bane Spider standard psionic abilities consisting of; telepathy, mind control, mind linking, as well as mind possession & consciousness transferal. According to our reports, he also presents some form of extrasensory perception, the breadth of which has not been fully determined.
The subject presents Bane Spider standard psionic abilities consisting of; telepathy, mind control, mind linking & consciousness transferal. According to our reports, he also presents some form of extrasensory perception, the breadth of which has not been fully determined.

These abilities facilitate and enhance SENAI, YOHANNES' command of other Bane Spiders.
These abilities facilitate and enhance SENAI, YOHANNES' command of other Bane Spiders.
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He has gained notoriety for killing operatives that he believed to be 'subversive', 'exceedingly critical' or simply 'inefficient'.
He has gained notoriety for killing operatives that he believed to be 'subversive', 'exceedingly critical' or simply 'inefficient'.

Over time, the subject has developed a mistrust of all those he has no direct attachment to, going so far as to refuse orders of Arbiters other than Daos or Grey. He struck out against Fortunata and Tarantula handlers in August 2023, killing seven.
Over time, the subject has developed a mistrust of all those he has no direct attachment to, going so far as to refuse orders of Arbiters other than Daos or Grey. He lashed out against Fortunata and Tarantula handlers in August 2023, killing seven.

Agents were dispatched to bring him into custody for reprogramming or face execution in the field. Violent altercation broke out, resulting in the deaths of several operatives before PROTOTYPE PHOLCIDAE was called to carry out the execution by Marshal de Cordova.
Agents were dispatched to bring him into custody for reprogramming or face execution in the field. Violent altercation broke out, resulting in the deaths of several operatives before PROTOTYPE PHOLCIDAE was called to carry out the execution by Marshal de Cordova.
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"Yohannes may not be SciTec's most prized and effective researcher, but he displays keen insight and earnest desire to improve operational standard equipment. He's currently fixated on psionic-related technology, particularly thoughtmitters, enhancers, dampeners and psionic interfacing weaponry & equipment enhancements." - Arbiter Frederick
"Yohannes may not be SciTec's most prized and effective researcher, but he displays keen insight and earnest desire to improve operational standard equipment. He's currently fixated on psionic-related technology, particularly thoughtmitters, enhancers, dampeners and psionic interfacing weaponry & equipment enhancements." - Arbiter Frederick

"The Executioner's resurrection ability absolutely must be studied. I thought, at first, that he was coming back through some form of resurrection, but his two following deaths broke the pattern. In one case, he was burned down to nearly nothing and we needed to identify his remains by dental records. In the other, he was beheaded. His body didn't start to, to... flake away burns, produce new skin, reattach the head, no! He popped up again somewhere else, hale and hearty, imagine that. Spontaneous theogony is our best theory at this time. As far as we can tell, there's only one of him at a time." - Doctor Elisedd
"The Executioner's resurrection ability absolutely must be studied. I thought, at first, that he was coming back through some form of resurrection, but his two following deaths broke the pattern. In one case, he was burned down to nearly nothing and we needed to identify his remains by dental records. In the other, he was beheaded. His body didn't start to, to... flake away burns, produce new skin, reattach the head, no! He popped up again somewhere else, hale and hearty, imagine that. Spontaneous theogony is our best theory. I can understand how he may have returned to life the first time after bleeding to death fighting Pholcidae, but the rest is outside of our comprehension. As far as we can tell, there's only one of him active at a time." - Doctor Elisedd

== FBSA case file ==
== FBSA case file ==

Latest revision as of 18:40, 3 April 2024

V archetypeicon arachnos soldier.png
Executioner Senai
CreateSymbol Villain.png
Player: @Iona
Origin: Incarnate
Archetype: Arachnos Soldier
Security Level: 50
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Yohannes Senai
Known Aliases: LIV
Species: Human
Age: 25
Height: 7'3"
Weight: ~320lbs/145kg
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Étoile Islander
Occupation: Soldier of Arachnos
Education: (Presumed) Bane Spider covert ops training, military intelligence training, Arachnos boot camp
Place of Birth: Founders Falls, RI
Hometown: Port Oakes, EI
Base of Operations: Grandville
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Senai Berhanu (father, deceased), Iona A. Reed (half-sister/alive)
Known Powers
Psychic: Extra-sensory perception, telepathy, mind control
Soldier: Enhanced physical condition
Known Abilities
Collective memory, reconnaissance, combat
Bane Spider Executioner armor, Nullifier Mace, Nullifier Gun Mk I, Camouflage Unit

Yohannes Senai is a member of the Arachnos Bane Spider corps attached to the 74th Division. Since holding the rank of Executioner, he has confirmed being in the security detail of several Arbiters, as well as Lord Recluse himself at different points in his career.

Arachnos Personnel File

Name: Yohannes Senai
DOB: 19/07/1999
Origin: Natural
Branch: Bane Spider corps
Status: Active, separated from active duty
Callsign: Zealot
Metahuman status: Confirmed psychic, 2005
Date of acquisition: September 20, 2005
Date of enlistment: August 1st, 2016
Current remit: Security officer to Arbiter Grey's detail

Service schools & training programs completed:

  • Bane Spider Training
  • Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance School
  • Combat Training
  • Mission Command Program
  • Special Warfare Program

Registered enhancements:

  • Bane Spider implant
  • Custom prosthetics
  • Modified Executioner armor including psionic interfacing
  • Targeting projector
  • Endurance modification device
  • Arachnos proprietary genome alteration


Placed within authorized foster care with [REDACTED] from ages 6 to 8.

Preliminary Bane Spider Training began at age 8 with members of class unit 42B.

Transfer from class unit 42B to 7A following an armed altercation with his peers involving a stolen weapon.

Completion of Bane Spider Training at age 15. Network connection. Elevated from Recruit to Commando at 17.

Medical intervention following an incident in [REDACTED] resulting in the loss of his arm and momentary consciousness.

Transfer to the command of Executioner Ruiner and Seer Renault in May 2019. Transfer to Scout ops.

Sudden rise in extremism and aggression. Refer to Internal Psychiatric Evaluation for details.

Little known information between 2019 and 2021; Dark Astoria deployment and promotion to the rank of Executioner.

Temporary placement as an educator for Bane Spider class unit 51A.

Transfer to the command and security detail of Arbiter Grey.

Internal altercation, subsequent removal from many active duty activities and responsibilities.

Internal Information

The following documentation is restricted to; Arbiters, Patrons, members of the Fortunata & Tarantula corps managing the Bane Spider Network, and other miscellanaeous authorized personnel participating in internal affairs activities or operations.

Action will be taken against those with unauthorized access.


The subject presents Bane Spider standard psionic abilities consisting of; telepathy, mind control, mind linking & consciousness transferal. According to our reports, he also presents some form of extrasensory perception, the breadth of which has not been fully determined.

These abilities facilitate and enhance SENAI, YOHANNES' command of other Bane Spiders.

Furthermore, the subject has an enhanced physical condition, manifesting the ability to function for 70 hours straight, lift small cars and bend metal, as well as endure Class 2 injuries.

When he was first brought to the Isles in the year 2005, the subject was assessed to only possess talents of psychic suggestion. His powers have been trained and refined over the years. Since the first moment of lucidity in 2019, the growth of his abilities has been exponential.


Recent reports stolen from an FBSA server confirm his status as an Incarnate (Case ID code 254875-I) and possession of the artifact identified as “ANANKE’S SPINDLE”.



Arachnos: Low (sub 40%). Disapproval of other operatives, resentment of handlers, distrust of Arbiters.
Lord Recluse: Extremely high (Over 95%). Love.

Yohannes expresses tangible and constant pride in his identity as Bane Spider, espousing that the corps is Arachnos' finest because internalized mind control and the Network provide them with improved accumen and general operational skills. This belief has, at different times, lead him to believe that every single member of Arachnos (with exceptions for scientists, research and development personel) should be subject to conditioning.

In spite of being largely cognizant of his circumstances and abilities, he maintains that the best option for his more 'drone like' peers is to keep them heavily sedated by mind control. It is highly likely that he is capable of stripping another Bane Spider of their conditioning given sufficient effort but no such cases are documented to date.

Risk assessment: Marginal.
Recommendations: Flag as an asset for Project: DESTINY. Maintain our end of the bargain by allowing him to operate without oversight. Continue surveillance.


There are at least two dozen recorded instances of Yohannes manifesting open hatred towards Black Scorpion, as well as one incident of violence.

He has gained notoriety for killing operatives that he believed to be 'subversive', 'exceedingly critical' or simply 'inefficient'.

Over time, the subject has developed a mistrust of all those he has no direct attachment to, going so far as to refuse orders of Arbiters other than Daos or Grey. He lashed out against Fortunata and Tarantula handlers in August 2023, killing seven.

Agents were dispatched to bring him into custody for reprogramming or face execution in the field. Violent altercation broke out, resulting in the deaths of several operatives before PROTOTYPE PHOLCIDAE was called to carry out the execution by Marshal de Cordova.

Yohannes Senai was executed in the afternoon of 26/09/2023 by PROTOTYPE PHOLCIDAE. His death was confirmed by Doctor Elisedd, as well as his resurrection shortly after which.

Not knowing that the contract was complete, two villains attacked him. Destined One candidate FIRELANCE turned over his remains for identification on 28/09/2023. The identity of the person who beheaded him in the month of October is unknown; his remains were delivered by Bane Spiders that witnessed the altercation through his eyes and knew where to find him.

Given the struggles presented by keeping Yohannes Senai under control, continued loyalty and work for Arbiter Grey, as well as his lack of ambition to free other Bane Spiders or escalate the conflict, an argreement was created between he and high command which should prevent further escalation while allowing us to keep an eye on him.


“Senai's loyalties tend towards Lord Recluse, Arbiter Daos and Arbiter Grey exclusively, in exactly that order. He has no loyalty towards Arachnos itself and routinely lashes out against other operatives for ‘speaking out of turn’. These traits aren’t uncommon among high ranking Bane Spiders, but may cause friction.” - Seer York

"Yohannes may not be SciTec's most prized and effective researcher, but he displays keen insight and earnest desire to improve operational standard equipment. He's currently fixated on psionic-related technology, particularly thoughtmitters, enhancers, dampeners and psionic interfacing weaponry & equipment enhancements." - Arbiter Frederick

"The Executioner's resurrection ability absolutely must be studied. I thought, at first, that he was coming back through some form of resurrection, but his two following deaths broke the pattern. In one case, he was burned down to nearly nothing and we needed to identify his remains by dental records. In the other, he was beheaded. His body didn't start to, to... flake away burns, produce new skin, reattach the head, no! He popped up again somewhere else, hale and hearty, imagine that. Spontaneous theogony is our best theory. I can understand how he may have returned to life the first time after bleeding to death fighting Pholcidae, but the rest is outside of our comprehension. As far as we can tell, there's only one of him active at a time." - Doctor Elisedd

FBSA case file

The information marked in this document is the property of the FBSA and may be distributed within the Federal Bureau of Superpowered Affairs (and its contractors). US intelligence, law enforcement, public safety or protection officials and individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without FBSA authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored and/or destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. Information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in legal proceedings without first receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequently posting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network without first obtaining FBSA approval.

Relevant classification categories:

1.4(b) foreign government information;
1.4(c) intelligence activities, sources, or methods, or cryptology;
1.4(d) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources; 1.4(m) vulnerabilities or capabilities of metahumans, projects or plans, or protection services relating to individuals, which includes defense against foreign entities;

General Information (U//FOUO) Unclassified For Official Use Only


Secret Identity: LIV
Origin: Incarnate
Archetype: Bane Spider
Threat level: 50
Primary Powers: Mind Control
Secondary Powers: Bane Spider Training
Other Powers: Regeneration (origin: excelsior), teleportation (presumed origin: superadine)
Signature Powers: Mind Dominate, Mind Link, Retroactive Immortality

Yohannes Senai is a US citizen to be handled as a foreign intelligence operative whose personal agency is circumstantial.

Yohannes Senai is classified as a rogue Arachnos operative for cooperation with Paragon City law enforcement; protection of civilians; action taken against Arachnos assets & authorities including but not limited to sabotage of the chain of command; reporting of certain Arachnos activities to American authorities; use of force as a civilian in response to active threat events.

  • DO NOT attempt to repatriate.
  • DO NOT attempt psionic contact.
  • DO NOT attempt to interfere with day to day activities.
  • DO NOT attempt to invervene while he operates within Hazard Zones; it is alongside of friendly forces.
  • DO NOT attempt an arrest for Arachnos-related activities conducted on foreign soil; known, or presumed without

  • DO report potentially useful information.
  • DO report noteworthy friendly or hostile contact with authorities.
  • DO report on Arachnos-related activities or contact conducted on domestic soil.
  • DO report on location, intentions and activities taking place whether the subject is uniformed or not.

For law enforcement (SI//LES) Special Intelligence Law Enforcement Sensitive

As of 04/01/2024, there are no documented cases of hostilities with law enforcement.

As of 04/01/2024, there are three partially documented cases of self-defense, defense of others;

  1. Defense of self and Randin Kaye during an incident in Talos Keys in 2019
  2. Defense of self and civilians in a terrorist attack on a Kings Row clinic in 2023
  3. Defense of self and Randin Kaye during an attempt on the latter's life in 2024

As of 04/01/2024, Yohannes Senai is currently providing support to;

  1. One homicide investigation headed by Kings Row Precinct 13
  2. Hazard Zones Dark Astoria; the Hive

PPD officers are advised to standby for a member the; Awakened Division or; a security level 50 law enforcement officer in the case of possible engagement.

Case Handler: Special Agent Samson Hess
Emergency contact(s): Randin Kaye (Listed contact), Iona Reed (Blood relative)

For heroes (SI//FOUO) Special Intelligence For Official Use Only

Yohannes Senai is of threat level 50 and in possession of an Incarnate artifact.

FBSA branches MAGI and S.A.M. have identified the artifact as the 'SPINDLE OF NECESSITY' (also known as Ananke's Spindle) per its description in Plato's Republic.

Its only currently known function is providing a form of immortality.

Previously recorded engagements with Longbow and Wyvern agents suggests that anything short of lethal force is unlikely to stop him while he is armored.