Kallisti the Friar Origin Story: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:54, 14 April 2021

The forest clearing was awash with demonic energy and filled with the evil creatures. Without hesitation, Kallisti the Friar leapt into battle swinging her soul-bonded quarterstaff in a circle to connect with as many of the foul creatures as she could. With a hiss of hatred, the entire band of summoned demons turned on her, shooting dark bolts of energy and balls of flame at the hooded figure. The staff span in her hands as she turned to face the thickest part of the throng. Some of the fire and dark energy bolts slammed into her and she felt herself weakening but her enhanced reflexes kept her safe from most of the attacks. Suddenly there was a deafening crash, the ground shook and before her the demons were pushed aside as the Demon Lord appeared to face her! This was it, this was her time to sacrifice herself to defend her people like so many of her friends had done before!

With an almighty bellow, the Demon Lord struck out, catching Kallisti the Friar a glancing blow and spinning her round, but her opening move was a leap in the air to bring the tough quarterstaff down with a mighty blow that usually felled most lesser enemies. This time, the Demon Lord caught the staff in his hand and pulled her off her feet toward his deadly flaming maw…
A strange ripping sound echoed across the clearing as the Demon Lord’s head exploded and a dark gash appeared in reality which swallowed the fighting girl and then winked out of existence as the headless Demon Lord collapsed in a heap and began to melt.
Kallisti the Friar landed on her feet in a fighting stance ready for the next onslaught, but this was not what she expected. She was in an alley with grey stone walls on either side and an a constant drone of noise in the background.  The air smelled strange, an odd sort of metallic smell but a whiff of decay and corruption caught her attention and she saw a group of shambling figures ahead surrounding a figure dressed in strapped black leather… wherever she was, she knew an enemy when she saw one![[Category: Kallistiverse Story]