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Revision as of 01:34, 8 March 2023


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[Surveillance camera shows interior of advanced cockpit. [GARM PILOT 1] and [GARM PILOT 2] are in the pilot/co-pilot seats, while [GARM COMM Ops] and [GARM ECM Ops] take up positions on either side of the cockpit, just behind them. [GARM MEDIC Ops] and [GARM ENGINEERING Ops] are stationed in the cargo bay examining a Medi-Pod, alongside [GARM TAC Ops 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

GARM PILOT 1: “Hey [GARM ECM Ops], give me a status update, please?”

GARM ECM Ops: “Kronstadt and Levashovo are both quiet, [GARM PILOT 1]. We’ve got a An-12 flight – designated BRAVO-CHARLIE-4 - on established patrol, but nothing nearby.”

GARM PILOT 1: [sighs] “Copy that, [GARM ECM Ops]. Hey, [GARM COMMS Ops], you got anything?”

GARM COMMS Ops: “God, I wish, [GARM PILOT 1]. Chatter is quiet as ever. Nothing from EMERCOM, CDEH or Central AMR channels.”

GARM ECM Ops: “…and a partridge in a pear tree…”

GARM PILOT 1: “So, the Russian Alphabet soup is quiet as ever, then.”

GARM PILOT 2: “Yep, and we’re still waiting for… something?... to happen. I’m starting to think the heads-up was bogus.”

GARM PILOT 1: “Yeah, yeah, so you’ve said.”

GARM ECM Ops: “Well, even if this run is a bust, at least we know the upgraded ECM and stealth suites work as advertised.”

GARM PILOT 1: “[GARM MEDIC Ops], how’s the tank?”

[The footage swaps to what appears to be a flyer’s cargo bay. Two individuals [GARM MEDIC Ops] and [GARM ENGINEERING Ops] are running diagnostics on what appears to be a glass-enclosed chamber large enough to hold a large individual. There are several other individuals in the background who appear to be prepping armor and heavy ordinance.]

GARM MEDIC Ops: “The medi-pod is as ready to go, and the medi-gel is prepped.”

GARM PILOT 2: [Sarcastic] “Oh so it’s ‘gel’ now, and not ‘Bacta’ anymore?”

GARM MEDIC Ops: [Harrumphs] “Ya’all made your point, with that whole ‘2-1B’ stunt.”

GARM COMMS Ops: “What? That was funny!”

GARM MEDIC Ops: “Yeah, yeah… to you it was funny.”

GARM PILOT 1: “And me.”

GARM PILOT 2: “Oh hell, yeah.”

GARM ENGINEERING Ops: “Sorry, mate, I thought that was hilarious.”

[One of the heavily armed soldiers turns and grins.]

GARM TAC OPS 1: “Yeah, it was pretty damned funny.”

GARM MEDIC Ops: [Sighs] “Ya’all just don’t appreciate a good fandom…”

GARM COMMS Ops: “What the…”

GARM PILOT 1: “What is it?”

GARM COMMS Ops: “I’m picking up something on the upper bands… I think it’s a transport beam…”

GARM PILOT 1: “Can you narrow it…”

GARM COMMS Ops: [Yells] “Contact! We’ve got an explosion on Kotlin Island, right on the A-118! [Pauses] That’s the extraction!”

GARM PILOT 1: “I see the explosion!”

GARM PILOT 2: “Plotting intercept course! Everyone, strap yourselves in!”

[The footage swaps to an exterior view. The ground pivots as the flyer orients itself toward a plume of smoke across the bay.]

[The footage swaps to the cargo bay, where the soldiers and the individuals manning the healing tank strap into heavily reinforced seating along the interior walls.]

GARM COMM Ops: “Getting cellphone usage from surrounding traffic, calling for help… Kronsdadt is putting out an all-call!”

GARM ECM Ops: “Spooling up ECM Pods!”

[The footage swaps to the exterior view, now showing the cloaked flyer racing across the bay. The plume of smoke is coming from the remains of a ground vehicle. Traffic is immediately jammed going both ways. The nearby Kronsdadt base is a hive of activity]

GARM PILOT 1: “T-minus 20 seconds to Extraction point.”

GARM PILOT 2: “Preparing to go into hover mode. GARM Tac Ops Squad, prep for hot drop!”

[The footage swaps back to the cargo bay. The soldiers are out of their seats, prepping for a ‘hot drop’. The stern cargo ramp begins to descend as the flyer swings just over the highway. The shimmering cloak fades as the ramp drops, and the flyer is now fully visible.]

GARM PILOT 1: “5... 4... 3... 2... 1... we’re on the ground, people!”

[The flyer rocks as it locks into VTOL configuration and drops the final few feet to the ground]

GARM TAC Ops 1: "All right, I want a nice, clean dispersal this time. Now, move, move, move!”

[The footage swaps back to the external view. The groundcar has been blown to pieces, and parts of it have been flung along all lanes of the A-118 highway, bringing traffic screeching to a halt. The Tac Ops team rushes to a point where a body can be seen, thrown from the vehicle and critically burned. The [GARM MEDIC Ops] and [GARM ENGINEERING Ops] are pushing the container toward the victim. There are other bodies – mostly in pieces – strewn about the groundcar.]

GARM MEDIC Ops: “Okay, lowering the chamber bed now... okay, lift him up in 3... 2... 1!”

[The chamber is now level with the ground, and multiple gloved hands carefully lift the charred body into the chamber.]

GARM TAC Ops 4: “Jesus, that’s rank!”

GARM TAC Ops 3: “How the hell is he even alive?”

GARM MEDIC Ops: “Okay, sealing the chamber and releasing the medi-gel!”

[Footage cuts to cockpit interior. A Proximity Alarm begins ringing.]

GARM COMM Ops: “We’ve got incoming!”

GARM PILOT 1: “What, already?”

GARM COMM Ops: “BRAVO-CHARLIE-4 is already over the bay, ETA 15 seconds! More flights are being scrambled from Levashovo! Oh, shit… I’m pinging a wing of Su-77s prepping to scramble! Designation SIGMA-957! We have officially worn out our welcome!”

GARM PILOT 2: “Plotting evac course! [Yells into his microphone] TEAMS, WE ARE LEAVING!”

GARM TAC OPS 1: “Back the flyer, people! Let’s move, move, move!”

[The exterior camera follows the team, now in Overwatch formation, as they hustle back to the flyer’s cargo ramp, [GARM MEDIC Ops], [GARM ENGINEERING Ops] and the now hovering medi-pod in the center of their formation.]

GARM COMMS Ops: “We’ve got movement out of Kronsdadt!”

GARM ECM Ops: “Shit! They’ve switched to a different frequency range! Scanning…. Got it! Jamming restored!”

[What appears to be military-grade recon vehicles are leaving Kronsdadt base but are immediately fouled by the traffic. In the distance, a flight of heavy-lift aircraft is rapidly approaching.]

GARM PILOT 1: [Yelling][GARM TAC Ops 1], we need a status RIGHT NOW!

[The footage swaps back to the cargo bay interior. Some of the Tac Ops team are assisting [GARM MEDIC Ops] and [GARM ENGINEERING Ops] frantically tying down the medi-pod in a harness. The clear chamber is full of a sluggish blue liquid, and a body can just be seen floating within. The ramp is just beginning to raise.]

GARM TAC Ops 1: “We’re not secure! I repeat, we are NOT secure!”

[The Proximity Alarm is joined by a new, more urgent alert tone]

GARM ECM Ops: “They’re trying to paint a target on us! SIGMA-957 in the air! Repeat, SIGMA-957 IN THE AIR!

[Footage swaps to a CCTV camera view of Levashovo Russian Air base. A flight of next-gen Sukhoi Su-77 strike jets lift from one of the tarmacs. The recessed thruster nozzles swivel from VTOL to flight mode, and the fighter wing arrows over the camera.]

GARM Pilot 1: “Shit, shit, shit! Everyone, hold on!”

[The flyer jerks sideways as one of the approaching Ar-12s releases a fusillade of bullets from its’ chin mounted SMG turret, barely missing. The flyer’s turbofans shriek in protest. The flyer slides sideways across the southbound lanes, the landing struts barely missing the trapped passenger cars. Multiple missile pods pivot toward the flyer. Several Tac Ops soldiers go sprawling in the cargo bay, but the medi-pod is secured, and the cargo ramp is fully up.]

GARM TAC Ops 1: “We’re secure! Go, go, go!”

GARM PILOT 1: “We’re gone!”

[The flyer jerks forward and upward, the engines roaring to full. Multiple groundcars shift and slide away from the flyer's jetwash.]

GARM COMMS Ops: “BRAVO-CHARLIE is launching missiles!”

[The footage swaps back to an exterior view as the 4 Ar-12 gunships launch multiple missiles at the flyer. However, the missiles miss widely – victims to the flyer’s jamming technology - and fly out past the island and into the bay. The flyer arcs away from Kotlin Island, heading northeast, away from the Ar-12s and the lethal Su-77 fighters.]

GARM ECM Ops: “Launching the crybaby!”

[A drone made of a highly reflective material detaches from the flyer, and races off toward the mouth of Finland bay. The Su-77 flight turns to chase it down, while the Ar-12s continue on their present course, heading due south]

GARM ECM Ops: “Cloaking engaged!”

GARM COMMS Ops: “Aaaand…. We are officially out of Saint Petersburg airspace.”

[Everyone notably relaxes, and several exhale as if they’d been holding their breath]

GARM PILOT 1: “I didn’t think the Russkies had Su-77s stationed up this far north.”

GARM ECM Ops: “What’s worse... Those were the upgraded 7th gen versions. I was reading a bunch of scary-looking signals coming from those birds. Pretty sure they got Rikti tech now.”

GARM PILOT 1: “Well, that’s not good.”

GARM PILOT 2: “Nav markers dropped for the Russia-Finland-Norway pathing - Lapeenranta, Kuopio, Oulu, Bjerkvik to Bear Island. We’ll refuel at Draugrbjorn station, and then on to Pyramiden. We’ll drop off our Extraction target at the hospital there.”

GARM PILOT 1: “Copy that. Increasing speed. ETT is…”