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<div style="padding-right:15px; padding-left:15px; border: 8px Solid #800000; color: #000000; background-color: #c0c0c0; line-height:1em;">
| image = Inquisitor arachnida.jpg
| caption =
| name = Inquisitor Arachnida
| player =
| archetype =
| origin =
| level =
| realname = Brielle Utari

| aliases = Bri, Brielladona, Brielli
| species = Human
| age = 27
| height = 4'10"
| weight = 133 lbs
| eyes = Teak Wood
| hair =faded aquamarine
| nationality = India
| occupation = Arbiter, Cookie and Chip baker (Part-time)
| birthplace = Gujarat, India
| hometown = Nagaland, India
| marital = Undecided
| relatives = Files on them have been excommunicated
| powers =
| abilities = Master Strategist, Logistics and Recovery Expert (1-5 years), General Arachnos Crab Spider Training (9 years),
| equipment = Two half panel Digitized Tablets, Three separate pre-paid phones (one with the numbers of terrorist cells, one for Arachnos only lines + low APB status, one for personal.), full set of Crab Spider armor modified with respectively(mixed)
| footnotes =
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 25px">'''For the eyes of Arachnos Personnel Only, File Distribution No. 817-555421'''</div><br>
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 14px">'''[Story]Simple Mismanagement Ever Since That Day'''</div>
From the unequal events of the destruction of many continent capital cities to the removal of the infiltration and exploits of the Praetorian wars, Bri took this as an aside to not let this stand, more so not allow certain capes, particularly LongBow from policing her left overs of the now crushed West Bengal and , she didn't like how the LongBow stook around and played game but not actually perma-stomping the aliens. The Rikti had disturbed and disrupted communications between the state areas across from the central India area and further was into Burma or at least upper (1. ANDRAHRA Pradesh, 19. Odisha, 28. West Bengal, 16. Meghalaya, 3. Assam, 17. Nagaland), know that they figured she was a metahuman in hiding, but refusal to op-in on their crazed crusade of "All good, no evil", she left the containment region done by the LongBow and choosing to make a run for it towards the open river fields out to the almost destroyed Meghalaya docking yards. 
It was where an Arachnos scout was evidently present… with a few squads of Spiders and combined conglomerate Crab Spiders and since with the Arachnos formation there taking their lion's share of all the faculty resources amidst the chaos and knowing to stand her ground but also understanding what was going on. Bri exclaimed to them that, she could  steal the boats remaining here that they had apparently rounded up a small majority of Indonesians before anyone knew what was going on.
Bri was no fool however, clear to her that for the most part: the television and frail radios monitors; most of this region was lost. The Maratha Light Infantry HQ's command generals knew this was serious very early on but yet the Longbow and capes choose to dick around and partially waste time. Not collectively doing enough some of the Fortuna read this as a sign for another chance at vengeance or at the very least, shackled control, Arachnos came with an offer; a clear one of retribution. After not only just the now bringing news of dissatisfactions of the LongBow's abridge set circumstances for excuses to leaving all stones unturned and the combination of secondary divisions from within outer faction parties giving annoyance. Bri accepted, <i>"…I have nothing else but my mind full of potential ideas and exploits. My thoughts are nothing but apprehension but also dissatisfaction aware of these misgivings. Thanks due to a statement from LongBow, the middle echelon across both the Bengal and Indian government, letting this indignation run its course"</i>.
And even since that original day of founding for herself, she has been doing one of if not, the most important work next to some of the other Arbiters ever produced by organizations. All of which within itself of the middle hierarchy of Arachnos established.<p>
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 25px">'''Personality'''</div>
She wholly believes in the consolation of accessible resources while at the same time, Bri believes it is also right to marshal in (or out) to several superhuman warriors, asset tools and even needs across the lines of command to have Arachnos control. To ensure that the resources that may be exploited, can be a <i>fallback option</i> upon in the near or distance future. This was the mentality that she currently in a means to achieve optimal success through the use of unorthodox tactics and analysis.
However despite this, she seem passionately loyal to Lord Recluse and his visions but doesn't preach on and on about it; say the most un-humbled but will harbor a harsh methodology when pressed.<p><br>
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 25px">'''Powers, Abilities, Feats.'''</div>
Besides the basic or traditional guidelines that is entirely understand within the low to upper thresholds of Arachnos members, Bri however was opted in for additional structural disciplines once her role as a lowly Wolf Spider then Huntsman, this dividing her in tactical roles to the appropriate positions, it reminded her to keep in touch well within the notices of degrees set out as various doctrine and strategic methodology. That will eventually carried her later on during the covert-operative analysis and status between jobs, especially as an idiosyncratic in the general Arbiter juncture. As a important reminder; Bri like all the other Arbiters' echelons, are able to formulate their own decisions and views, like in example, requiring assets or material persons, items and freely share their views or ideology on how to approach "Dominating the world" in reason so it doesn't bring about friction and lowly imbalance.
After taking off on outer continental tours beyond Paragon, Bri advised taking in some contractual work from freelancers on notice and additionally pursuing leads of topics relating to or giving ground of previous attempts and suddenly uprising cases such as the accessing of Rikti Portal Technology to their homeworld for more weaponry parts/shield technology and the bizarre teams of 8 consisting on reoccurrence around the Peregrine Island. Normally, Arbiters are assigned by the top echelons with similar perspective & goals. She was kept onboard due a reliance of 'unorthodox tactics' edict against threats of such severity similarity. Somewhere around the time of 2011, the right eye appears to have been faked but good inspection showed it was torn apart during a counter assault against Agnicourt Longbow. This came from a pretty violent Warden pursuing her out of Marconeville, who later perished in a 1v1 versus a loose Crey experiment that escaped. Recorded June 10th, 2011.
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 17px">'''Weapons'''</div>
Well to start, the first sort of combined arms Bri would have is the Hunstman Mace she not stole but 'borrowed' actually, after a unfortunate dual misfire and use but even so from there, it was only a matter of storage it later for us. So, she kept the mace but forgo the helmet at least until things settled down. Now moving onto more pressing matters within the current timeframe, Bri has only used this Mace's power once in person or on-site herself. The aptitude and reliability of the weapon still maintains its core context and material use. Flaying alive with unnatured flammables of combined corrosive plasma blasts and/or bursts that always leave behind unusual markers on the walls or ground but this also contains the rather tougher tactical elements used for close quarters. <p>
To say as such, it has been significantly tweak and modified to the point of almost being completely unnecessary and almost overkilled to those who've not kept their heads down and wits about themselves -- a combination of lethal  fusion ray level plasma and ionized battery. Multiplied over by 5x then 10x. Barring the occasional speedsters and obnoxiousness of the ever going and leaving teleporter type characters, who can create a region of unreliability. Though, that  is not want to say that she isn't going to her usually departments of storages and containers for the sake of restocking it's power supply had to be replenished.<p>
As an aside, Bri has access to a time sensitive seismic bomb - medium radius up to about 400 meters. This was brought to her active attention by some off duty personnel within the Wolf Spiders excavation teams around Overbrook due to the fact that they had opened up a leakage of sieging and disregarded explosive materials. She then brought aboard these spiders then put in a request to go to the site personally for examination. True enough those loosely broken and segmented walls and loops back around from the prior facility before the attack left or buried costly miscellaneous demolitions job perks. She had wanted this for an advantage of hers alone, Bri goes about with the wolf spiders on retrieving it, checking out its active compounds, locating the dynamic requeuing source of its power and then pulling the damn things out from that burial site. 
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size:17px">'''Arms + Armor'''</div>
Fully armored, the biggest standout was always the chrome or <b>chromium alloy mixed into a steel combination</b> (<i>on a varying yield of  210 mega pascals, a tensile strength of 300 mpa and a overall Mohs scale of 6.0</i>) she made fit from a request at the HQ base in Nerva. This is enough to survive short range artillery, fully/nearly full burning down houses that collapses, and dual impact DPU at least for the moment that metahumans start to use other tricks.
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 14px">'''Misc. Equipment'''</div>
As an aside, Bri carries alone three additional items of note: One which is referred to as pre-paid phones though the connection and rate as which these lines are used, is set to talk and/or communicate with a known terrorist cell who has been stripping clean of any and/or all data related to newer recruits within the HeroCorp's more paid sections documents for once the time comes to intercede when necessary. The second is her mainly dual connected-to operations line which is used for Arachnos personnel be it either Crab, Wolf and even some chains-of-command members, the moment that there needs to be high alert status to become available to her, Bri by request of some tech-server personnel, was even able to get a secure line for on-use; a low-APB status with regard towards members she has contacted. The third and last one is a phone that is purely for off-duty purposes either; mailing and packages going to her house.
=<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#008000">'''Public Information: All Clear.'''</div>=
<i>This lists the information that is public available when received by registered Rogue Isle's citizenship.</i>
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e;font-size: 21px">'''The Out-cook of Boosting Morale'''</div><br>
Apparently one day from the WSPDR News stations it was announced by a woman, proclaiming as a baker of delicious chips of mixed ingredients. Once the various members of the Spiders and Arachnos staff, it would become much to the surprise to see that <i>"Accursed Arbiter"</i> behind such shenanigans voice allowed… however much to the wider audience, the chips became a very well tenable solution for morale.
And now every other day starting from the second Thursday each month; Bri will at handout the following; (at least based from reports and a short interview by Amanda Vines of WSPDR news), exclaiming that…<br><p>
"… I extracted Snakes venom prior to my time in Mercy, in later years found a way to detoxify it and with initially failures in tests; use it with sugar on plain edible chips to create a chewy honey flavored bites to munch on. If you are a Wolf Spider, you've probably have seen me handed out bags of these either in the early of the morning of 6-8am and 2pm. This is to increase the lost spirit of the morale of our men and women." - Date taken, September 6th, 2007. <i>No other statements given by request.</i><p>
<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#addfad;font-size: 21px">'''Highlighter'''</div><div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#000000;font-size: 21px">'''Gothica'''</div><p>
Out of Pro-Arachnos attires…. Enter Goth Gal Bri? Sure! Sure enough, Bri is a heavily dedicated goth, mixed in with some grey whites. She also has multiple mouth, lip and tongue piercings. With the occasional one she puts up on her belly button. One her right forearm reads a tattoo labeled 'Reversal' in Indo-Aryan and flipped opposite of that is the same but in Dravidian. Large buckled up boots (at least 3) on the front with two razor spikes, a long trench coat with no sleeves mostly black and a singular T-shirt also either in deep grey or black; this shirt is specifically reads a band called "Mutiny". The alternatives would a black t-shirt with a band called 'Vacancy Voices Are Arising', a third t-shirt with just the face of Edward Scissors Hands and a fourth 'V for Vendetta' but the shape of this V goes from shoulder to shoulder. Her most given and favorite of the activities for on-display is her love and care of the [ Death Angel]'s t-shirts. With these ones being her favorites:<br>
=<div style="font-family:Copperplate; color:#f20e0e">'''Allegances.'''</div>=
This sets up the list of all the current assets within her roles as a Arbiter:
*'''Fortunata Soviana''' - Soon-to-be turned Tarantuala Mitress, Soviana has provided Archanida required useful information related matters across mysterious eight-men lightning group disturbing Arachnos operations, especially on Peregrine Island. Status: Traded of smaller Arachnos bot in-exchange for bugging one of the many various teams during other parts throughout the day.<br>
Secondary update: Soviana gave data or this case, it was discovered that " a separate camera system set up from the inside working in the background from everything else." Concluding that, "...unlike Mera Heights, there isn't anything like this-- I was told there was no camera on that statue... Yes. It's hardware I don't recognize." Conversatio carries on:<br>
"I can at least take some photos since I have the system running, no thanks to you. At least we can confirm to our forces to change their operation hours around to standard from variable and perhaps take a few baby Arachnos bots with them?"<br><i>
[07:48] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "*No* thanks to me? Slip of the tongue, I'm sure."<br>
[07:50] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "I need this data though, sorry if that seems very extremely out of your wheeelhouse. Tsk. Wish I knew what era of corporation was listing these cameras, if it was a known company we could--"
[07:51] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --attempt a DMCA takedown or strongarm them into cease and cease and desist rules."<br>
[07:52] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "That would be unwise, since it would expose your espionage. The only way you would know this is happening is through illegal measures, no?"<br>
[07:54] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Yes, that's true, I should probably speak to the terrorist cell I have in HeroCorp; see if he knows who is doing this in Peregrine. It's hard however, unregistered vigilanties and rogues tend to get in the way--"
[07:54] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --when doing things off the record. Unless we had specific trackers to search hunt and kill them on sight."<br>
[07:54] Inquisitor Arachnida sighs.<br>
[07:56] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Troublesome indeed."<br>
[07:58] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "That list alone is something I told my superiors wasn't viable since it's longer than the combined registered and retired."<br>
[07:58] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "More vigilantes than actual heroes. Amusing."<br>
[07:59] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "It makes sense, monitoring from mobile bases or from space stations."<br>
[08:05] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Hmm..."<br>
[08:06] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Well, there is some other little bit of concrete news from these cameras I had you post for me."<br>
[08:08] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Yes?"<br>
[08:10] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "One of the cameras out by Nelson Borough has footage of another air vehicle; a chinook. Someone going and leaving at around 007 hours then showing up again at the same times."<br>
[08:16] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Okay, so? That could be a lot of things. What makes it seem unusual?"<br>
[08:17] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "For one, it's a military craft, a transport one; however I'm not seeing any UTX codes which would verify it. Other reason? It's flown over the areas I had you tap with the other cameras."<br>
[08:18] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "It also doesn't land on the helipad by the hospital. The Aquarius Medical Center."<br>
[08:20] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "An out of place military flyer in a typically civilian area."<br>
[08:23] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Yes, moving out from one side of the more heavily populated business sector to the beach or close beach."<br>
[08:23] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Also because I can't find any evidence of material codes that are normally on these choppers, I assume it's been removed or modified."<br>
[08:24] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Ah, and the conspiracy theories begin anew. Black helicopters flying over the city."<br>
[08:25] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Not the kind that I wanted to see take over Paragon, but..."<br>
[08:26] Inquisitor Arachnida scoffs. "..but to think; using BOEING build chinooks against us?"<br>
[08:26] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "It is very...pedestrian, I'll admit."<br>
[08:27] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Either Longbow learned the value of subtlety, or...perhaps Malta?<br>
[08:29] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Or some vigilante did, and I agree, an very strange oddity to utilize resources not from standard superpower capital. These are at least 33 million dollars for one, perhaps someone's reputation came onboard and the money or favors were there."<br>
[08:30] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "...but I should also check if it's Malta."<br>
[08:30] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Let me see..."<br>
[08:33] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "None so far, at least they are keeping their secrets close to their chest or aren't aware of same issues we face. That or likely are but have disavowed said parties."<br>
08:34] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Very strange. Where has it been taking off from?"<br>
[08:38] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "I have to belief it's one of the off-hand islands close by, not with scattered Devouring Earth; the one south away from the Bayside docks."<br>
[08:38] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Possibly pick up point or regroup point."<br>
[08:38] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "And the other end? Where it's landing?"<br>
[08:40] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Frankly these chinooks can stay in the air for four hundred miles. Between Peregrine and mainland Paragon. That isn't too far unless, they went out to Striga which IS further but it wouldn't make sense--"
[08:40] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --as it's Council and Skyraider controlled territory. Plus or minus others."<br>
[08:41] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Maybe it flies under the rader across Paragon next to Talos?"<br>
[08:45] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "However the case, Soviana, these are the current powers that work against us."<br>
[08:47] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "And we now have the means to...figure out who it even is."<br>
[08:47] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Progress, I suppose."<br>
[08:49] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Mmm if my military memory serves me correctly but it's almost up to 5 hours it can stay in the air for, plus the range from Peregine to mainland takes less than this. Assuming they--"
[08:50] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --fuel first, make a few stops across Peregrine then leave."<br>
[08:50] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "It does give insight yes."<br></i>
A later comment about the next move from here:
<i>[09:13] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Right, as you enter the area let say nearby Curry Cove. Use the phone lock ARA-CH, go to the app named 'ReserveContact'. All you'll need to do, is scan the area as if you were a photographer."<br>             
[09:14] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Or sight seeing one day."<br>
[09:17] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Taking pictures of the location. Simple enough."<br>
[09:18] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "There is a information collector on the app, a chip scanner to read the void licences or strip and removed recently codes put on the chinooks."<br>
[09:20] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "So that way we can see where this vehicle has been or at least set locations."<br>
[09:20] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "If we can figure that out first, then we can find out if the jammers are on off-site action or on on-site one."
[09:22] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Very well."<br>
[09:29] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "As of that, I want to handle this chinook first before dealing with the jammers, best to find the source and follow it."<br>
[09:32] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Reasonable. Though I have to wonder just what it is we're getting into."<br>
[09:34] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Into making sure that our operations aren't in a case of 'no stone left unturned', as in us-- Arachnos being underminded by capes constantly. Well that is my goal."<br>
[09:39] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Assuming this is capes at all."<br>
[09:41] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "...and I'll check for others. Rest assured."<br>
[09:45] [Team] Fortunata Soviana:  "Very well. You'll get your vacation photos."<br></i>
*'''Swiftshade''' - The one known as Swiftshade, a Ax'Zer woman after an inital days back interaction with Bri, re-encounter her to this time offer up a job to her, more or less a help in putting certain peices out there for the "Lighting Fast PI sweeper team", the same ones prior months back, Bri was attempting to narrow down on their exploits.
--'''[The below is a follow up to the above RP and is marked as a continuation]'''---
<i>[06:54] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  -Bri's first thing of mind was to make a pitstop at Pocket, maybe an hour or two, she sits down what was some kind of PDA, a holographic one to be precise. Off to the side was some various and devious Arachnos Recruitment ADs, she askes the---<br>
[06:55] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --bar tender something,- "Beer please. Branding doesn't matter to much." -Taking a sigh she continues to pan on the PDA display a few times.-<br>
[06:58] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida: -Bri stopped to sip her beer then looks from the left; one person, deep purple hair,- "Interesting, twice over you turn to this spot."<br>
[06:59] [Team] Swiftshade:  *The female Ax'Zer woman simply kept drinking from her glass, staring ahead with her icy gaze, but muttering, "Hmph... Yes. It's the same annoying voice. Arachnos huh...? Who'd have thought..."<br>
[07:04] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Surprised?" -Bri nodded, confirming her assessment, she then says,- "Clearly you are bored and are looking for more interesting things this time around. A job? A long reaching income?"<br>
[07:06] [Team] Swiftshade:  *She lightly shrugged while still keeping her gaze away from the soldier, simply replying in a cold manner, "Don't pretend you understand me." She'd then lightly head tilt though, blowing away a strand of hair out of her face, "A job --<br>
[07:06] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- *could* be interesing..."<br>
[07:08] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Ha, never." -Bri responded, though she turned to face Swifty by saying,- "Well you do 'sound' as if something of the sort is lacking. You don't tell me, I can't help you -- still, 'what' is it as a job that you believe Arachnos can have from your--"<br>
[07:08] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --services? Enlighten me."<br>
[07:10] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Finally turned her face to stare at the Arachnos soldier for a moment, somehow... Swiftshade would seem bigger as if her presence simply increased in the place, commenting in an awfully calm and cold manner, "My name's Swiftshade. A well-known --<br>
[07:12] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- mercenary in the business, which your knowledge must be lacking if you didn't recognized me. I'm sent when nothing works... To get things done , dangerous as they are, though I'm not suicidal. I would accept a job to find and 'kill' someone like --<br>
[07:13] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- Rularuu for example. It wouldn't be possible. Satisfied?" There was a bit of sarcasm on her tone, though as she began to speak, Bri would probably feel a supernatural chill running down on her spine, it wasn't something like a lame ass fake --<br>
[07:13] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- 'presence' from movies, but something real as if the female Ax'Zer was purposefully inducing fear into the Agent.*<br>
[07:13] [Team] Swiftshade:  (Fear inducement, one of her powers.)<br>
[07:16] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "There, see?" -Bri nodded, paying attention this time around, instead of her usually casualness then she says,- "That wasn't so bad -- although you sound as if I am annoying to you, however that is unfounded. Less than business-like? Perhaps, still I--"<br>
[07:17] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --believe we can see an accord with this. Plus the targets I require elimination there of, are beyond any of such suggestions. In-fact meager ones that according to my resources and employers are finding more and more troublesome since, at least the year--<br>
[07:18] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --prior and even as far back as Praetoria's attacks and then some." -Although as Bri talked the feeling of cool was of a slight irritation but she continues,- "Tell me your what incomes, food, places to hideout or live at are first then we can discuss--"<br>
[07:19] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --the 'better part of the tasks'. If you wish."<br>
[07:19] Inquisitor Arachnida waits patiently.<br>
[07:21] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Slowly raised an eyebrow and disbelief to the question, "Why would i tell any of that information? Been on the business for years and I've never done that and I won't start now." She'd gulp her drink and set it down over the counter, explaining, "It's<br>
[07:21] [Team] Swiftshade:  --<br>
[07:22] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- the other way around actually. You tell me your price and *all* the details of the contract so i can *consider* if taking it or not. When i sign a contract, the job is *done* already."<br>
[07:24] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "...then feel free to disregard it," -Although Swifty's voice bothered Bri, she choose to disregard this by saying,- "Nonetheless, I believe it was always better to get those standards out of the way first BEFORE accepting such deals. I am aware that--"<br>
[07:25] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --Arachnos doesn't full see eye to eye with hire-for-hiring sake groups, independent and otherwise. Which is what I am here for; an Inquisitor. Inquisitor Arachnia. It is my job to be more flexible for such. In the end when Lord Recluse succeeds... bla--<br>
[07:26] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  -bla bla and so on." -She stops to check her digital PDA a few minutes then turned back to Swifty,- "Multiple contacts to be precise. We will pay 500,000 with additional 500,000 per minor things as apart of the first contract you sign." <br>
[07:29] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Seemed to ease her expression a bit, but kept the cold and dry mood still, adding, "Sounds generous. I'd need to know who are my targets though... Once i sign, there's no way back, i keep my word. I'd find rather dislikable to be tricked or forced to <br>
[07:29] [Team] Swiftshade:  -- kill someone for no reason."<br>
[07:31] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "Well before that, I should explain, well really ask a question of you, Swiftshade: are you aware of TUNNEL?" -She asks.-<br>
[07:32] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Let out a small 'hmph!' sound, though subtly nodded her head in affirmation.
[07:34] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "You are also aware of some... certain capes have been headed to and fro Peregrine Island in high frequency? Or have you at least seen such?"<br>
[07:35] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Nodded slowly in affirmation, though also pointed out, "Yes. I'm not often in Peregrine though, in fact, my stay over the place was very short..."<br>
[07:37] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  -Bri goes to adjust one of her arm bands then leans off the barside to say,- "The reason I bring this up and I know you have short patience; but mainly? We've been seeing a noticeable increase of compromised operations -- Arachnos ones that is since the--"<br>
[07:38] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --previous three years. Teams are going in, unannounced, surprising our mission members then getting out before they were often able to be noticed or at least quickly counter attack."<br>
[07:40] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Crossed her arms and began to wave it around, attempting to guess, "You want to me track and recover stolen items or work as a 'safeguard' of some sorts...?"<br>
[07:42] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "...actually better option, I would like for you to place in say... Mera Heights AND Bayside Docks, please plant these dummy phone transponders. Doesn't matter where they are or how you put them but try not to be too obvious. The--"<br>
[07:43] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --reason I am asking you to do this is because of a prior investigation; black helicopters were sending these heroes off and quickly taking off. But someone is sending these choppers in, if we--"<br>
[07:43] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --can find who it is, we can pluck them out; that is where you come in."<br>
[07:45] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Head tilted to the side, her corner of the lips tilting upwards a bit, almost a smirk, "Black choppers sound pretty much like Arachnos... Weary of moles or traitors I assume..."<br>
[07:45] [Team] Swiftshade:  (? < after the . . .)<br>
[07:47] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "No, we haven't found any traitors in the mist," -Bri shook her head,- "It seems our operations or Operatives are oblivious to their approach, either lack of general oversight OR internal to external systems have been alternated by one of those tech--"<br>
[07:48] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --vigilantes. We were able to confirm at least the times when those chappers go in. Early afternoons, nearly late-afternoons. By internal or external I am referring to the warehouses and office buildings, these seem to--"<br>
[07:48] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --keep happening. My higher ups are nervous or rather upset that our Arbiters and Operatives continue to be rather displaced and made an example of."<br>
[07:51] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Nodded as if taking notes of the whole explanation with her mind alone, waving a hand towards her, "So, you want me to plant devices in the desired areas and track someone. Something else? I'm not really interested in the bureaucracy running over -<br>
[07:52] [Team] Swiftshade:  - Arachnos. I just want objectives, my reward and a valid reason to take it. I believe money's been good so far..."<br>
[07:53] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  -Bri goes to shake her head at the 'bureaucracy comment,- "It wasn't explicitly about that, however it IS important to still know why and a reason." -Bri goes to step closer to the woman and hand her something,--<br>
[07:55] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --two devices, they looked like flip phone as she went to say,- "Yes but we before we get ahead of ourselves suggesting a target, we need to track these helicopters. They are called BOEING build chinooks. But they are missing--"<br>
[07:55] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --UTX codes which makes them harder to track and even harder to locate who is using them."<br>
[07:55] Swiftshade slowly shifted her icy blue gaze towards the newcomer, blank face, but he'd get the feeling of a glare, but she added, calmly and dry as usual, "The bar is public... But we're almost done here."<br>
[07:56] Swiftshade and the Operative seemed to be talking business...<br>
[07:56] Wolf of Arkham Hill mumbles, "Soda to go it is."<br>
[07:56] Wolf of Arkham Hill gets his bottle and wanders off<br>
[07:58] Swiftshade grasped the deviced offered by the Inquisitor to inspect it a bit closer, adding, "Am i keeping this? I guess it is the planting device..."<br>
[08:00] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  -Bri nodded,- "Yes it's simplistic instructions on what-to-do. Basically, flip the first one up, it has a programming APP on it called 'Plane Registry', open it up and type 'Fire Giant'. It'll start automatically taking a photo based on engine fuel.--"<br>
[08:00] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --Press '1' and that's it, leave the first phone at Curry Cove or Mera Heights."<br>
[08:02] [Team] Swiftshade:  *Nodded and took the device, placing it over her pocket and adding, "Something else?"<br>
[08:04] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  "The second phone, I would like you to place it on a roof top above Bayside Docks. WIth this one.." -She points to the second flip phone,- "It has a identification reader," [Like those John/Jane Doe Face finders] "It'll help identify--"<br>
[08:05] [Team] Inquisitor Arachnida:  --who was scrapping off the UTX codes on these chinooks AND at least mark if not a location, a person. Open it up and type 'Strinda 0S8'. That's it leave somewhere and report back to you."<br>
[08:07] [Team] Swiftshade:  *She also placed a hand inside her pocket and pulled a small metallic box, placing it over the counter and sliding it towards Bri, "You can contact me with this device... Very advanced so it's a waste of time trying to replicate. Just tap on it and I'I<br>
[08:09] [Team] Swiftshade:  - I pick up the call when it's necessary so we can finish the details and sign a contract... Precisly... Call me in 26 hours from now." Offering no further explanation, the woman would also slide a coin for the beverage and walk towards the ramp.<br></i>
*'''Grave Mind''' - Undead collector, mostly full of herself but with enough honest, is the next reliable inquiry which the Arbiter has brought along. <br>
--'''[The below is a follow up to the above RP and is marked as a continuation]'''---<p>
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Rogue]][[Category:Character]] [[Category:Everlasting]][[Category:Arachnos]] [[Category:Female]]

Latest revision as of 01:36, 17 June 2024